

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

30 Day D&D Challenge -What Was Something Wild in Your Game - Day Six (Part 3)

Today's Topic is "What Was Something Wild in Your Game?" as we continue our celebration of International Original Dungeons and Dragons Month!

Continued from Part 2:

As preparations continued they set about rigging defenses for anything that might come up from below as well. The PCs were well armed but all the rest mainly had spears, knives, a few axes and a few short bows. The PCs decided to investigate the next level down to see what they might be up against or to find a better place to secure the children, the weak and the sick.

The players went down to the fourth level and immediately ran into something odd, at first they thought it was just a conjured mouth speaking a canned phrase but soon figured out that just inside the first door, the wall was talking to them in a language they did not understand. As they talked among themselves about what it could mean, they noticed that the words coming from the wall started to make sense and as they responded the wall was soon speaking their language. The wall introduced itself and offered them its name and asked for theirs. It was known as Thentry and bade them enter in peace.

They gradually found out later (over the next few hours) that the wall(s) were very literal minded and to carry on a conversation and get useful information, they had to speak very precisely. The hallway quickly dead-ended at a door that lead into a room and when they entered it the wall said, "I am Ging" and immediately asked them what was their wish.  Confused they started to talk among themselves and the wall said "too late you only get one chance" and ordered them to leave his room and proceed through the door that revealed itself. But they wanted to investigate the room they were already in and part of the room they were in was shrouded in a heavy fog and when one of them stepped toward it, the wall stated that, "no one ever returns from the mist" and for them to leave and go to the next room with great insistence that they must go now, it was urgent. They were disoriented by this whole thing and a feeling of dizziness washed over them. But as Ging, kept insisting they decided to leave and so...

and so they went to the next room and the same thing was repeated, the wall said, "I am Geng" and immediately asked them what was their wish.  Still confused, they started to talk among themselves and the wall said, "too late you only get one chance" and ordered them to leave his room and proceed through the door that revealed itself. Seeing most of the room fog shrouded as before they went to the next room, feeling very unsure of themselves having found both times that they could not return the way that they came. They had also learned by this time that each wall had its own name, seemed to be sentient and had a lot of personality.

In the third room, there was a table and two long benches in the middle of the room and the table was heaped with food and drink all fresh and smelling good. The wall greeted them warmly as did the table and the two benches. Saying (the wall) I am Gregen, this is Bregen (the table) and these Sitinon and Sitanon referring to the two benches. Then continuing said, "You must be tired and hungry and a bit confused, we are sorry about Ging and Geng, they are both quite insane, it has been a very, very, very, long time since anyone has passed this way. Please sit and eat the food is freshly prepared as we sensed you were near. Really truly it is quite safe, please sit and partake."

They allowed themselves to be persuaded and as they ate they found the food very delicious and as they ate they talked with the wall, the table and the benches. Whom they learned were deliriously happy as it had been so long since they had a chance to serve. They were also told where the doors were that would allow them to bypass Ging and Geng. Beyond that they learned little as the bountiful meal and bypass was nearly the limit of their knowledge. They were urged to travel on as others might be able to tell them more.

Continued with Part 4...

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