

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

30 Day D&D Challenge -What Was Something Wild in Your Game - Day Six (Part 4)

Today's Topic is "What Was Something Wild in Your Game?" as we continue our celebration of International Original Dungeons and Dragons Month!

Later they went out the door into a long hallway and turned left, as they went along they came to many rooms that were similar with table and benches all waiting for people to serve. Although they questioned many of them, they were unable to learn anymore. Then they came to a T in the hallway and there the wall spoke to them, his name was Tenensis. He seemed more knowledgeable and told them "Oh, you want to talk to Banqus. He knows everything, I believe." He directed them to continue to the left and go all the way to the end of the hallway.

As they approached the door, it swung silently open. After a bit of hesitation, they entered and saw a long table with a divider running lengthwise down the middle of the table. In front of it were a number of chairs and as the door swung quietly shut they took a seat. The table spoke saying, "I am Longone, how may I help you? Do you have an account?"

They all spoke at once and it took a bit to get things sorted out, then the table called out, "Banqus we have customers". The wall behind the table spoke and introduced himself and asked how he could be of service. After one of them explained the situation he said, "Yes, yes, I can help you, the rest of this place was built by the Masters and there are a number of areas you have yet to see, but they left many thousands of years ago. Those you have met don't know why, they don't get much news down here and I did not want them to lose hope and despair so I have not passed anything on.  I have sources of news they do not, but it would only make them sad. They will be so glad that new masters have arrived. However,"

"However, I on the other hand represent The Bank, we have branches in all places, some are open to the public and some are hidden depending on where/when they are. We exist to meet the needs of our customers no matter where they travel."

 "Would any of you like to open an account?"

There followed a long involved conversation between one particular **PC who was very interested in how it worked and ended up opening an account. The wall produced a special ring that fitted itself to any hand it was placed on and is guaranteed to not fall off. Banqus, promised that it would indeed lead you to our nearest branch no matter where you have traveled or how you traveled there. Banqus also explained that, if in your travels you misplaced the time and place you came from, what with the way time, space and reality can become confused, that the ring would also serve as guide to the desired return destination.

The PC said, "You mean if we went through a portal and then returned through the portal we would not end up where we started." Banqus replied that, "Many types of such travel are inexact and return to alternate realities is very common and arriving at the correct one is only by chance. Many beings worked on a solution and The Bank was created when the solution was given. Those beings are long gone, but The Bank is outside of time, each branch is in a pocket of reality and in time of need can relocate its focal point in any given reality."

The PC blanched and said (looking at the other PCs), "You mean these might not be the exact same friends I started out with because I traveled through a portal and back to invite them to join me?" "Entirely possible," said Banqus, "but probably not if you spent only a few minutes away from them."

"But is there anyway to know?

"Only if you each had one of our rings before you started," replied Banqus. "Since you now have a ring you can return to the reality you started from as the ring is now attuned to your existence, but it may or may not be the reality they belong to."

Then to the others, "Does anyone else want to open an account?"***

**(played by my friend Tom)

***My players, even from the beginning (back in '75)were almost always willing to go through portals or other openings into other realities without a thought. So I had been doing a lot of thinking about how all of the odd travel should work. This what I came up with.

This is where we will end for now, hope that you enjoyed it.  Some games have lots of action and some do not, later this one does, there are more odd things to tell.

The Topic for tomorrow is "Describe a Magic Item You Created".

1 comment:

  1. Halenar, Really enjoyed reading this episode. Look forward to seeing more.
