

Friday, May 29, 2020

2020 - The Year of Blackmoor - 50th Anniversary - Day One Hundred and Forty-Nine

Celebrating 2020 - The Year of Blackmoor - 50th Anniversary of Blackmoor and of Role-Playing!

I love the way he interprets vampires, "his "traditional" Slavic Vampire (not Hollywood)." I also like the summon rats by the thousand thing too. "He travels at will through the numerous cracks adn crvices in the Dungeon."

Next up is all about the Elves running the care and protection of Castle Blackmoor and its defense. 
  1. Test of Purity to get past the barricade at the foot of the hill leading up to the Castle.
  2. What is pretty much a tourist trap for the characters to empty their pockets, as well as, confuse them.

3. Turnstyles to the Dungeon for a 1 GP admission fee. An Elven Tour that has since been canceled. You can sign the Adventurers Book.
4. The heavily guarded exit/entrances from the Dungeon. Holy Water Hoses.
(We need to secret of mass producing Holy Water. Pressurized Holy Water)

Notes about the Dungeon Map.

 Here the map keys of two of the levels as a sample.

Then here below are the maps of the two levels that correspond to the above keys.

A lot people seem to find the diagonals to be odd and debate about why Dave Arneson used them. To that question I say why not? I used diagonals from the start myself. I also used spirals which is something that Dave Hargrave used in his Arduin campaign. I also used areas that were bigger on the inside, than they were on the outside.Sometimes two corridors occupied the same space without intersecting.

One of the most striking things to me is how small the dungeons are. Prior to seeing them I assumed that it would be massive and it was a surprise when it was not. I was very surprised when I learned that many people limit the size of a level of a dungeon to one 8.5 x 11.0 sheet of paper. Limiting anything to one sheet of paper never occurred to me. My dungeon levels may occupy 40-50 sheets of paper per level. IIRC my smallest dungeon level is 9 sheets of paper. I like them massive, it well behooves the players to have a plan for exploring dungeons. Player should learn, at least IMC, to size rooms and areas up and spend time where is it warranted and cruise where it is not warranted. 

Tomorrow on to Magic Swords!

1 comment:

  1. Would love to see some of your dungeon maps posted here, they sound interesting!
