

Saturday, May 23, 2020

2020 - The Year of Blackmoor - 50th Anniversary - Day One Hundred and Forty-Three

Celebrating 2020 - The Year of Blackmoor - 50th Anniversary of Blackmoor and of Role-Playing!

Today let us look at some things about Blackmoor, have you been to its Inn?

 The Blackmoor forum is named after this Inn The Comeback Inn which is subtitled - The Dave Arneson's Blackmoor Discussion Forum.

Have you ever written up anything like for any part of your game world?

If you have written something up, did you include monsters are part of the official population? It almost sounds like you might find the Trolls and the Werewolves running businesses in Blackmoor, but that is an Illusion, I wonder if this was intentional.

Look at the detail we are provided from back at the beginning, when even now, historically (gamewise that is) there are very few highly detailed examples.

Other resources, unnamed, which are undeveloped and he explains why they are undeveloped. How deeply do you think about or develop your world. 

The ruling class and the merchant class. It is a real shame that this write-up was not done from the very beginning for as he said at the beginning of this volume the first two scenarios were lost. To be able to see what was added when and in what order. But we do have this and other people did build detailed worlds, but Arneson did it first, well not entirely, there is MAR Barker and Tolkien, but if not for Arneson would we have ever seen Tekumel as a game world and it did become a novel? And Middle Earth was in the form of novels and not a game world. Is there some other fork of existence where Arneson would have written novels instead?

Geological oddities, extensive underground caverns, places you could spend a lifetime exploring. Some of us create massive worlds, Arneson created a small area that was massively detailed and made explorable.

A fortress throughout recorded history, lost to the Egg of Coot twice, but by treachery or gross negligence.

Do you not want to explore those pits? How can you not want to explore those pits?

I find it odd and somewhat poetic that I have always been fascinated by Ruins, from the very beginning of my time playing OD&D, and when many, many years later I read this for the first time, I was struck with how many ideas seemed to have just floated out of Blackmoor into the ether to be claimed by those like myself, seemly by random chance - by was it really random? Inquiring minds want to know!

The famous Wolf's Head Pass! Does your game world have landmarks like these that mark borders and limits of influence?

The highly unique and highly odd, Inn, The Comeback Inn, easy to enter unless you are Evil/Chaotic, but so hard to leave. What do you think, does this difficulty leaving apply to the proprietor too? Whose is the proprietor and what about the staff. How odd to have such a place in a village of this size. What else is know about The Comeback Inn? Will we yet learn more? Do you put things like this in your game world to pique your players curiosity, do you create mysteries? Do you create things that your players might never solve?

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