

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Celebrating Day Six of Blackmoor Week - 51st Anniversary of Blackmoor

Today September 29th is the sixth day of Blackmoor Week 2021.

Today we will link to series of posts from all the way back in 2009. A real blast from the past. Over at the Bat in the Attic blog (Rob Conley) a four part series of posts on The First Fantasy Campaign was done back in April of 2009. 

Into the First Fantasy Campaign Part 1

History remembers Statesmen, Philosophers, Kings, and Conquerors. Dave Arneson was none of those. He merely figured out a cool way to have fun that wasn't seen before. Yet in the last quarter of the 20th century and continued into the 21st century his legacy has impacted millions and ignited fires of imagination that still burns today. And it started in a place that only existed in Dave's mind, a place called Blackmoor.

Into the First Fantasy Campaign Part 2

Into the First Fantasy Campaign Part 3

Into the First Fantasy Campaign Part 4

Next he talks about the Original Blackmoor Magic System. He says it was based on the Formula pattern for most magic. That magic-users were limited because they had to prepared the ingredients before entering the dungeons. Some spell had special ingredients that could only be found by adventuring. A magic-user only gained experienced if he casted spells. The magic-user's constitution also played a role in limiting the number of spells cast.

Spell components in AD&D, the whole idea came from Arneson in early Blackmoor. Think about that and let it sink in. 

When it comes to old school gaming Rob and I have about a 30% field of agreement and a 70% field of disagreement. Our view of things does not have a lot of overlap; nevertheless, he writes a lot of good stuff and has contributed greatly to gaming, you should go read his blog. I just stumbled across this series of posts and read them for the first time today. I thought another look by a third blogger at The First Fantasy Campaign would be a good thing for you all to read.

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