

Monday, June 8, 2020

2020 - The Year of Blackmoor - 50th Anniversary - Day One Hundred and Fifty-Nine

Celebrating 2020 - The Year of Blackmoor - 50th Anniversary of Blackmoor and of Role-Playing!

Here are some more Richard Snider changes from Blackmoor:

I found this to be intriguing and the only reason I have not used it, is that I have not had any players with a Barony since reading this. Your hireling was over qualified and has taken your place, so sorry. :;) 

The five ways to destroy a true Vampire. See item F below for more info about two of these methods. I love these names "True Bishop of La Hazar," "The Sacred Lake of the Acaldi," "The Death Plant of the Saccinid Monks." Great names, evocative names is a necessary skill for a referee. Bitd, you had to come up with your own, now there are many places to turn to for help if you need it. 

Then a few ways that have only a 33% chance of even doing damage.

The the restrictions on entering rooms and no reflection in a mirror. The details on how a Vampire can make a Flunky Vampire. Have you ever done this in your game? I have not, but might someday.

Locations lost in time, sounds like something to follow up on and search out, when I play, I would be completely into something like this.

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