

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Remebering Leonard Nimoy

Leonard Nimoy has passed away. Sad as it is, it comes to all of us and it is a time to reflect. Even when someone has lived to a ripe old age (83) it is still hard to see them go. I never met him, but he brought a lot of joy to my life and that of many others. In his portrayal of Mr Spock, he taught those of us who love games like D&D that when you portray an "other" whether a Vulcan, an elf or dwarf or something else, how it is done. Star Trek would not have been what it was and is without him.

A few things he said:

"I am not Spock. But given the choice, if I had to be someone else, I would be Spock. If someone said, 'You can have the choice of being any other TV character ever played,' I would choose Spock. I like him. I admire him. I respect him."
"Whatever I have given, I have gained."
"The miracle is this: the more we share the more we have."
"When you let me take, I'm grateful. When you let me give, I'm blessed."
"I believe in goodness, mercy and charity. I believe in casting bread upon the waters."
 "Live Long and Prosper"

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