

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Arduin Week Day Six 2021

Today I want to take a look at a blog by the name of, he has written several essays about Dave Hargrave and about Arduin.  Let's look at Hargrave’s Old School:

He says:
Reflecting on my re-reading of David Hargrave’s Arduin material, I realise that the “Old School” was never as homogeneous as many in the community would have us believe today. Hargrave was, perhaps, an outlying force in the hobby – contentious and loathed by some – but he was also a force for creativity and variety.

“But Dave was not satisfied with the trilogy, or the five supplements that followed it… For ten years he play-tested and wrote new rules almost continuously, trying to make the FRP experience easier and more accessible for the players…” (Compleat Arduin, Book 1, page iii) 

I will let you read the rest of it yourself, check out his other Arduin essays while you are there.

1 comment:

  1. Arduin is something missing from my collection and experience. I had the old Arduin Adventure and it was very cool. I always intended to pick up the Arduin Grimoire but I never got around to it. I must rectify that oversight.
