

Saturday, November 26, 2022

The Abilities (preliminary thoughts)

If you were going to change from the standard OD&D 6 ability stats (of STR, INT, WIS, CON, DEX and CHA), what would you do and how would you define them? I posted this on my forum three years ago and am still thinking about it. I suppose I should do something with it.

The Abilities (preliminary thoughts)

Name Items Normal/Extraordinary Range Notes
SBM Strength, Brawn, Muscle 3-18 / 19 - 25
CWI Cleverness, Wit, Intuition 3-18 / 19 - 25
AWE Awareness, Will, Empathy 3-18 / 19 - 25
TSH Toughness, Stamina, Health 3-18 / 19 - 25
DAQ Deftness, Agility, Quickness 3-18 / 19 - 25
CLE Character, Leadership, Eloquence 3-18 / 19 - 25
PBA Presence, Beauty, Attraction 3-18 / 19 - 25

If you roll an 18 (3d6 in order, then you get to roll d10,000 to see what level of Extraordinary Ability you might have.

Roll on d10,000 Result
00001 - 05000 Normal no change
05001 - 07500 19
07501 - 08500 20
08501 - 09200 21
09201 - 09700 22
09701 - 09900 23
09901 - 09999 24
10000 25