Hail Fellow and Well Met! This is my Original Dungeons & Dragons blog named for my main campaign The Ruins of Murkhill™. I have been playing and refereeing OD&D since Sept. of 1975. I am apt to talk about almost anything game related here. Open Ended Original Edition Old School Fantasy Adventure Sandbox Role Playing Games™ (OEOEFASRPG™) The Open-Ended Sandbox Exploration of Dungeons, Wilderness and Cities. World Building is one of the great pleasures of life.
Good interview in three parts of Rob Kuntz by The RPGPundit.
Robert J. Kuntz is one of the founding fathers of the hobby. He began playing D&D in the second ever game of the Greyhawk campaign, DMed by Gary Gygax, in 1972. His character was the fighter Robilar. Within a year he was one of the first people on Earth other than Gary Gygax to be running a Greyhawk campaign, with Gary Gygax as one of his players. His material in that campaign had an influence on Castle Greyhawk and many other elements of the Greyhawk campaign. He was one of TSR's first six employees. He co-authored the Gods, Demigods & Heroes sourcebook (and later Deities & Demigods), and contributed to the module Expedition to the Barrier Peaks.
He was also the first player ever to successfully beat the Tomb of Horrors.