

Friday, July 29, 2016

Update on The RJK DVD Collection - Titled "El Raja Key Archive"

Robert J. Kuntz just posted this over at his blog Lake Geneva Original RPG Campaign. He gives us a post titled "El Raja Key Archive Final Update," where he reveals the label that will appear on the DVD.
 Rob recently told me:

I received the test DVD and we finished going through the 1,100 files over Skype.  We are now into the Descriptions Phase, .5 mb of descriptions for the files made by Paul and myself.  That too by Skype.  Kevin Maurice has designed a beautiful interactive interface for it, and he is finishing up the "cascading" view for the images, etc.  We have learned something with this:  none of us knew the amount of effort and time that was required for this, as we have never collectively done such a project like this and had to adjust many times during it.  The date keeps moving due to this, but is looking like 3rd week in August, as Paul is going to Gencon.

That half a mb of file is running over 200+ pages just for the descriptions of the 1100 files. As he says in his post:

Tonight we finish up on the 200+ pages of file descriptions while fine tooth combing Paul's and my own descriptions of the auctioned and scanned items which started over 10 years ago, this for errors, omissions and possible better wording/changes.

As I personally speculate on what those 1100 files contain and the fact that it includes auctioned and scanned items, I am eagerly awaiting the day that it goes on sale. IMO this is one of the few things that is a must buy for me. A mother lode of information and insight into the creative mind of Rob Kuntz, one of the original play-testers and contributors to the Original Dungeons & Dragons and the creator of the World of Kalibruhn

Rob also told me how busy he and his wife Nathalie have been over the past few weeks, launching a new company, DVD related work, Website,Design, Layout Cover Design, Module to go with DVD, Book on Arneson, E-Book right after, and then  more adventures/source for GH/Kalibruhn.

So he has many things that are going to be published over the remainder of this year and going into 2017. Fantastic!!