I (krusader74) uploaded a slightly modified version of the Markdown file to my Pastebin: Gygax-ODD-Additions-V2.md
Then I used Pandoc to create a PDF version of the Markdown file. It is 5.5 inches wide and 8.5 inches high. There are 27 pages. There is no cover yet. If anyone would like to contribute a cover (or cover art), let me know.
I shared this PDF in my Dropbox.
For those interested in making their own customizations to the PDF, here is the Pandoc command-line I used to create it:
--toc --toc-depth=2 --smart -V geometry:paperwidth=5.5in -V
geometry:paperheight=8.5in -V geometry:margin=.5in -o output.pdf
If anyone finds any typos or errors, please let me know and I'll make corrections.
If anyone would like to suggest any additional Gygax-iana for inclusion in this collection, please let me know. There were some other articles Gygax wrote for newsletters in the 70s about early OD&D adventures that may be of interest:
See The d6 HD OD&D Thief at the ZENOPUS ARCHIVES. (The original 1974 thief compared to the thief in the Greyhawk Supplement.)