
Thursday, May 21, 2020

Arduin Week - 2020 - Day Four

To begin Day Four of Arduin Week 2020 let us begin with another item from our anonymous guest artist and his tribute to Dave Hargrave and Arduin.

Sometimes everybody loses!

The House of the Rising Sun (Arduin Grimoire Vol. VI), 1986

Table of Contents
The Adventurer pg 4
Adventurer Advancement Chart pg 9
The Street Urchins of Arduin pg 10
The Beggars' Guild pg 14
Beggar Advancement Chart pg 17
The Assassins of Arduin pg 18
Assassins' Weapons Chart pg 24
Poisons of Arduinian Assassins pg 25
The Commerical Medicines of Arduin pg 28
Arduinian Food pg 30
And Beverages pg 33
The Natural Denizens of Arduin pg 35
Arduinian Avians pg 39
Special Avian Attack Chart pg 45
The Special Pets of Arduin pg 46
More Monsters of Arduin pg 49
New Magiks pg 56
New Druidical Magik pg 57
New Priestly Magik pg 59
New Runesinger Magik pg 61
New Magik of Illusion pg 63
Dragon Magik pg 64
More Arduinian Alchemcial Goodies pg 69
Alchemist Character Individualisation Chart pg 75
More Orcish Alchemical Mayhem pg 76
New Mystik Artifacts and Treasures pg 82
Bardic Oddities of Arduin pg 85
Rare and Legendary Gems and Jewels pg 89
Old Legends of Arduin pg 93
The Old Gods pg 95
The Noble Families of Arduin pg 106
Super Heros And Sword Swingers pg 112
Not in the TOC: Then at the end of the book pages 116-119 is a list of other Ardin publications and Delos publications from Dragon Tree Press.
In my opinion you cannot read the table of contents and not come away inspired and full of ideas. Some who have only seen the first grimoire opine about how bad some of the ideas are and how that would wreck their campaign. That is a sign of a lack of imagination and the inability to comprehend anything that is not a corporate suit polished lifeless neutered product. Arduin is the real deal, nothing polished/lifeless/neutered about it. IMO if you want something polished you are not really wanting to play a TTRPG, you want something "safe" and "without risk" and IMO that is not what a TTRPG is about.

Arduin is a grab bag, it is everything - the good, the bad and the ugly - yeah, that is nowhere more appropriate than here.

One of the hallmarks of Arduin and of Dave Hargrave in particular was his ability to name things and that is nowhere more on display than in spell names. A few examples will suffice for now:

Atazym's Conjuration of High Green
Yolly's Wondrous Wafer Conjuration
Boitano's Snowball
Ponshona's Spell of (The) Invisible Sling
Hargrond's Heavy Hand of Retribution
Jherzee's Firedance
Dhorn's Song of Wing & Air
Gamalon's Glory

I will close with this today:

Matrox Lusch posted this over at the Google+ community (when it was still around) Arduin Grimoire - David Hargrave's Thirteen Rules for Survival
1. Nothing is ever what it seems, so always be alert.

2. The Game Master cannot be out-fought, be he can be out-thought.

3. In all melee, battle, or surprise situations, the prime thing to remember is that you must react. Do something, even if it’s wrong. Take action!

4. The surest way out of any ambush is through the point of maximum resistance. Never ever try to turn around and/or retreat. It’s precisely what they’ve planned for you to try. So hit them hard, fast, and hell bent for blood, because you’ve got nothing to lose anyway!

5. Never fight when you can think instead.

6. Beware mixing the three M’s: melees, missiles, and magik. To do so is to court disaster.

7. Remember that for battle you must have preparation; distance between yourself and the target; sufficient delay time in which to wield your maximum firepower, and enough firepower to ensure the absolute destruction of your intended target.

8. Always expect the worst in any given situation. Always be prepared for the worst, no matter where you may be, and truly, through practice, become “the worst” so that trouble will strive mightily to avoid you!

9. You must have eyes and ears in all directions at all times.

10. A closed mouth means silence, which equates to secrecy, which means safety and a surer way to travel. Don’t advertise your destination.

11. Be careful with your weapons - they cut in two directions, and your friends are often more vulnerable than your foes.

12. Every adventurer should be prepared to fight and/or flee at any time with no more than what he is wearing and carrying. And don’t load yourself down with a lot of junk; be selective.

13. The thirteenth, though last, is the most important of all the rules of survival:


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