
Friday, May 22, 2020

2020 - The Year of Blackmoor - 50th Anniversary - Day One Hundred and Forty-Two

Celebrating 2020 - The Year of Blackmoor - 50th Anniversary of Blackmoor and of Role-Playing!

First up, the Great Svenny!

Greg Svenson, aka "The Great Svenny" Original Blackmoor Participant

The First Dungeon Adventure (Yes, the very first!) (including a balrog that could turn invisible)

Orcs Bane The Great Svenny killed 108 orcs in this battle.

THE GREAT SVENNY LORD CHAMPION Author unknown (written c. The 3rd Age) This was written by Dave Arneson and Greg Svenson published it with Dave's permission.

The Blue Rider (How The Blue Rider got his name and other stories from the original Blackmoor game) this link loads very slow and the page is very dark and hard to read (black on black), but if you select all and highlight the print it is easier to read. The Blue Rider story is several posts down from the top

The Battle of Loch Gloomin (part of a thread in the Wayfarer's Inn forum and may take a while to load)

Gregg wrote: Ah, we were all exiled there after we lost the city of Blackmoor to the Egg and the orcs. The change of scenery did us all good, because we had been focusing on Blackmoor and our own personal adventures rather than seeing the "big picture". Svenny died when the Egg of Coot and the Ran of An Foo jointly attacked us. When Svenny charged the hords of orcs the rest of the guys hung back rather than join him, leaving him to fight some 5,000 orcs by himself. He killed over 200 orcs before he fell. The rest of the guys realized that Svenny couldn't do it by himself and joined in to eventually win the battle. Afterwards, they took Svenny's body to the Bishop, who raised him from the dead. Svenny's lowest moment. Needless to say, I was furious...

Did you catch that? 200 orcs in one battle!

The nuances in this description and what is easily read between the lines is a hoot.

We all need characters like this running around in our game that are just plain mysterious. Hope to see you all tomorrow!

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