
Wednesday, February 1, 2023

The Red Book Vol 1 Newsletter from Rob Kuntz (free 26 pages 5,000 words)

The Red Book Vol 1 Newsletter

Product Details
Brand: The Red Book™​

With this FREE 26-page Newsletter, find out what Rob Kuntz has been up to, our exciting new releases... and so much more!

You will find out about what Rob has been up to over the last few months, Three Line Studio projects, the motivations behind our newly-launched digital store, as well as some historical matter that will delight the fans, not to forget our latest Red Book line digital releases. The newsletter's fan mail section is also a send-off to Rob's loyal fanbase where he shares some of their appreciations. So much to be excited about, this newsletter is a must-read!

Product Description: Downloadable and fully printable colour PDF in booklet style. Viewable on all electronic devices (PC/MAC/Android) equipped with FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Downloading the Newsletter requires that you submit your email address. If you prefer not to, you may download it directly (anonymously) from our Three Line Studio homepage.

In Memoriam

Kim Mohan who passed on December 12, 2022.

Kim was a long-time editor and game designer for

TSR/WotC. His many contributions to the RPG industry will

not be forgotten—But he will be sorely missed. 


Both of the above books are available or both at a special bundle price.
NEW from Rob Kuntz and Three Line Studio


  1. Wow! It's been more than a year since I've spoken to Rob. I was sure that he had fallen off the edge of the earth.

    1. Yeah, the last time I spoke to him he was trying non- gaming fields, so he is back, I am on his mailing list and so I shared it around.
