
Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Dungeon 23 Project - The Ruins of Mount Auyán (Day 032)

New Level

Room #1) An old broken stairway leads down from the ruins and rubble. It ends in the center of a large rectangular room that is mostly demolished, broken furniture (table and chairs litter the space) and rubble from broken stone work is scattered around.  A couple of dozen skeletons, not the animated kind (at least not at the moment) are at various points around the room. Remnants of armor and broken weapons are present. 

This room is 100'x60' and built of marble and granite. While the room was very ornate, everything is damaged with broken rock and stone everywhere. Also there are lots of scorch marks, as though very high heat was repeatedly present in this room.

Along one of the longer walls (the east wall) are many 5'x10' alcoves with arched opening. They may or may not have a door or a secret door at the back.

Along the opposite wall are floor to ceiling mirrors, now mostly broken.

The two end walls each have three doors ( three to the north and three to the south) for a total of six doors.

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