
Sunday, January 15, 2023

#Dungeon 23 Project - The Ruins of Mount Auyán (Day 015)

Returning to #Dungeon 23 Project - The Ruins of Mount Auyán (Day 006) we return to the 12 doors and take a look behind Door #6.

Area #70 - When you pass through this door you will go about 20' down the corridor to three -  3' wide by 8' tall shimmering forms in the air in front of you. You can barely see them by torch light, but would be more visible if you are using Light Stones (or equivalent). Those with the best site can see that one of these is yellow, one is green and one is blue.

What do you do?

Anything like a 10' pole or spear shoved into the shimmer will disappear at the point of contact, but if you pull it out it appears to be unharmed. 

What do you do? 

If you stick a hand into it, it will feel cool to your skin which will tingle on contact. When you pull your hand out it will be normal, but will still tingle a little. 

What do you do?

Options would be to step through one of the three shimmers or to go back. If they go through they will find out that these are portals (for convenience A, B and C). Each portal goes to a completely different place and a completely different encounter(s). If they do not go through, then make note of that and continue with a different direction. Each encounter(s) is of a different difficulty on a different level of the dungeon. Each has a treasure commensurate with the difficulty of the encounter(s).

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