
Thursday, January 5, 2023

#Dungeon 23 Project - The Ruins of Mount Auyán (Day 005)

 To continue on with the dungeon creation we had this:

Level One
So we have:
Corridor 01 - front right
Corridor 02 - front left
Corridor 03 - left front
Corridor 04 - left rear
Corridor 05 - right front 
Corridor 06 - right rear
Corridor 07 - rear left
Corridor 08 - rear right

So on to Corridor 06 - right rear.
This corridor runs in straight for 20' then takes a 45 degree angle to the right and runs 60' then turns 45 degrees back to the original direction and continues on for 40', then it turns to the right 90 degrees and continues for 80', then it turns 90 degrees and continues on.

Once it turns back to the original direction straight ahead it enters a stretch 200' long that has doors on either side, staggered, every 30'.  These each open into a room that is currently vacant, containing only broken furniture, dust and dirt, rat dung and such. Each room is 25' x 25', there are twelve rooms total in this area.
#37 to #48.

Just past this is a four-way intersection and the floor at the intersection only is bright yellow and is completely clean, unlike the dust and damp in the four corridor that intersect here. At this point one can proceed straight ahead or turn to the right or to the left. 

To the left the corridor walls and ceiling are dark black and a torch barely lights the way at all, but a Perpetual Light Spell lights it quite well and although the floor is damp and dusty the walls and ceiling are abnormally clean and spotless. The walls are freezing, when touched they rapidly suck the heat out of an incautious hand. 

20' feet into the corridor there are doors on either side of the corridor. Large metallic black doors with keyed locks and handles. The locks must be picked or a spell must be used to open them. It would take the strength of a giant to force them. There are six rooms here, three on either side and at 80' total down this corridor another intersection is reached. If someone were to gain access to these rooms they would find storage of everything from food and spices to blankets and other bedding. One room has a chest, the contents can only be guessed. But if you try to lift the chest it is quite heavy. It has no traps, but is locked securely.
#49 to #54 10'x10' rooms

Going back to the previous intersection and taking the leftward corridor things are different, for one thing the floor of the corridor becomes cobblestone in this area and the walls are similar. If you listen at the entrance to this corridor you can hear voices and various odors can be smelled. At this point you may hear footsteps marching towards or away from you.

Once you move 30' into this corridor you pass from darkness to light most abruptly and the light cannot be seen until you pass that 30' point. 

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