
Friday, January 20, 2023

#Dungeon 23 Project - The Ruins of Mount Auyán (Day 020)

Previously  " The door to your left once it is found lead into a corridor that runs for 100' until it reaches an intersection. It has doors on either side directly across from each other, one in each 20' section per side."

We continue.

#6 The second room on the right - the door- opens into a 5' wide hallway, it extends 25' and passes through an open door into an 15' diameter room with soft lighting and a large circular table centered in the room. There are 12 chairs around the table. The table has a number of scrolls on the table and other odds and ends.

Once everyone is in the room the door will close and the room will start to move, it will feel like the floor is dropping out from under them a little and there is a discernible feeling that they are moving. This goes on for a half an hour and then suddenly the movement stops and everyone feels heavy for moment as the room halts.

The door opens and looking out they can see they are in a large cavern and a cylinder extends from the roof of the cavern when ends at the floor in the room that they arrived in. The cavern is lit at a low level with something that is glowing everywhere. The roof is over 200' in height you estimate and the length and width of the cavern are much larger than that. 

Stalactites and stalagmites are everywhere and the stalactites hang down from the roof 40' to 50' in length. There are many other formations and shapes throughout the area. 

If all the players leave the room, then the door will close and the cylinder will retract into the roof. Or if at least one player stays in the room, then they will have the option of all returning to the room and it will rise and return them to where they came from.

If they end up staying in the cavern, they will hear the sound of running water coming from the direction they were facing when the exited the room. For convenience we will call that north. But the cavern is very large and they can only see a little ways, but there is a lot in the area to find. There are also at least 20 caves leading away from this large cavern.

If they explore they will find mushrooms and other fungi growing in various areas, these are edible. If they investigate there is a river about 40' wide and about 2' to 3' deep with a sandy gravel bottom. It has a lot of fish, frogs and other life. In the area of the river they will feel a fresh breeze, but discovering its source will be difficult.

If they stay were they are eventually various creatures will discover them in the room.

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