
Tuesday, January 17, 2023

#Dungeon 23 Project - The Ruins of Mount Auyán (Day 017)

The door to your left once it is found lead into a corridor that runs for 100' until it reaches an intersection. It has doors on either side directly across from each other, one in each 20' section per side.

#3 The first room on the right is 15'x20', is oddly brightly lit, but no source of light can be seen. The walls, floor and ceiling are all jet black, so dark that it is hard to see them in spite of the room being brightly lit. There is one long table with six chairs around it, the chairs and table are also a really dark black. At the head of the table sits a man. Very distinguished looking, black hair with gray at the temples, a neatly trimmed beard. He wears chainmail armor and the helm is placed to one side. He seems frozen in time and stares straight ahead. The room and everything in it is spotless. Both hands rest on the table and between them is a book. On the cover are symbols that none of you have seen or heard of, but when you look at them a voice in your head says, "The Chronicles of Toran, King of Maloraran."

Softly you repeat aloud, "The Chronicles of Toran, King of Maloraran" and there is a sound like ice breaking and then a deep gasp as King Toran takes his first breath in centuries. He looks at you and speaks, but you cannot understand him. 

What do you do?

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