
Wednesday, January 11, 2023

#Dungeon 23 Project - The Ruins of Mount Auyán (Day 011)

Returning to #Dungeon 23 Project - The Ruins of Mount Auyán (Day 006) we return to the 12 doors and take a look behind Door #2.

Going into this corridor about 20' there is a round hole in the middle of the corridor about a foot in diameter and water wells up out of this hole and and flows away from you down a shallow (4" deep) channel in the floor of the corridor and there is a slight downward slope to the corridor and it would probably be missed if not for the flowing water.

Close examination shows that the water is very cold, almost freezing and it is crystal clear. If you follow the water, ignoring doors and such on the corridor walls, the water flows for about 250' before coming to another slightly larger hole and draining out of sight.

Returning to the first sight of the water, if you continue down the corridor you will find alternating empty rooms on either side of the corridor of variable sizes. Some of them might have secrets doors.  Rooms #14 through #25 on this level.

What do you do? Spend time looking for secrets doors through many empty rooms or skip them and keep going?

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