
Saturday, November 26, 2022

The Abilities (preliminary thoughts)

If you were going to change from the standard OD&D 6 ability stats (of STR, INT, WIS, CON, DEX and CHA), what would you do and how would you define them? I posted this on my forum three years ago and am still thinking about it. I suppose I should do something with it.

The Abilities (preliminary thoughts)

Name Items Normal/Extraordinary Range Notes
SBM Strength, Brawn, Muscle 3-18 / 19 - 25
CWI Cleverness, Wit, Intuition 3-18 / 19 - 25
AWE Awareness, Will, Empathy 3-18 / 19 - 25
TSH Toughness, Stamina, Health 3-18 / 19 - 25
DAQ Deftness, Agility, Quickness 3-18 / 19 - 25
CLE Character, Leadership, Eloquence 3-18 / 19 - 25
PBA Presence, Beauty, Attraction 3-18 / 19 - 25

If you roll an 18 (3d6 in order, then you get to roll d10,000 to see what level of Extraordinary Ability you might have.

Roll on d10,000 Result
00001 - 05000 Normal no change
05001 - 07500 19
07501 - 08500 20
08501 - 09200 21
09201 - 09700 22
09701 - 09900 23
09901 - 09999 24
10000 25


  1. I like the familiarity and the differences of using the list above. It makes the abilities stand out from the crowd because they are defined by three words combined into an abbreviation rather than one all-encompassing word that doesn't necessarily fit.

    I like the inclusion of extraordinary abilities for all of the abilities instead of strength only. If somebody wanted to house rule that a race got an adjustment to the extraordinary ability roll that could be done quite easily.

  2. Thanks, as I revisit it, it is growing on me and I like the idea of using the d10,000 to represent the outliers that I have met or read about over the years. I like using the three words for each stat, because it is a complete break with the old standard.

  3. I absolutely love those attributes! It for some reason "feels" ancient old and grognardy! Just do it!
