
Monday, May 11, 2020

2020 - The Year of Blackmoor - 50th Anniversary - Day One Hundred and Thirty-Two

Celebrating 2020 - The Year of Blackmoor - 50th Anniversary of Blackmoor and of Role-Playing!

Today is Part 75 (Part C) of my series on OD&D, with The Underworld & Wilderness Adventures Vol. 3.

**For those coming in, in the middle of this series I am giving you my take on OD&D during my first exposure starting in Sept of 1975. For this first part it is just the first three books of the original woodgrain box set and prior to obtaining the Greyhawk, Blackmoor and later Supplements.**

Yeah, sorry you cannot swim in Plate. Now with Chainmail an exceptionally powerful swimmer might make it a short distance and be pulled out of the water.

Note that if you are not wearing armor there is only a 05% chance of drowning and only if you are thrown overboard. But only half of sailors can swim. Assumption, assumptions!

Do I want you to pull me out of the water, nah, I do not like the cut of your jib. Move along, I am in no hurry at all. ;)

Wands can also be carried, but casting lightening bolts while in the water is not recommended.

There is also the possibility that a ship's crew may fight off their attackers or even turn the tables and capture the attacking ship.

Larger ships and much larger crews are possible. IMC we have used ships with crew and marines having a combined total of 300-400. It was a combination Merchant/Warship with an overall length of 250'. It was quite expensive to build.

The larger the ship the more crewman needed to handled the sails. Another task is the lookouts maintained in the crows nest. Two at a time are recommended for the crows nest so that the full 360 of the horizon can be continually scanned. Rotating shifts of two hours at a time are suggested.

Large numbers can be very dangerous and some ocean areas are completely avoided at great cost to shipping routes.

Much less dangerous than mermen, but not without their dangers.

Ships that are too large to lift are very likely to break in half when a Dragon Turtle rises beneath it.

Also consider the Air Elemental that is serving or opposing you. Never summon a Fire Elemental, on seeing itself on the ocean, it will panic and burn the whole ship.

I interpret "two turns to drain one life energy level to be two melee rounds. Two to 12 hits are 2d6 to 12d6 HP. Yes, they are big suckers.

Regular Crocodiles are up to 22 feet in length, Giant Crocodiles (adults) are typically 30 to 45 feet in length. Crocodiles may grow as long as they live. With the record kill being 62 feet in length and estimated to be 110 years old. There has been speculation as to what would result if they were crossed with Trolls.

That is 6d6 to 36d6 HD. This also includes the various sea serpents and Giant Eels.

That is 4d6 to 24d6 and 6d6 to 36d6. Also see the Kraken which is even larger and more powerful. It is unfortnate, but true that Krakens are of high intelligence, higher even than the Octopi and the Squid. They all have compartmented minds 

Risky to catch, these are known to be quite tasty.

Remember to attack a line to a harpoon and tie it around your waist so that you will not lose your harpoon.  P-) Of course whatever you hit with the harpoon will drag you down to your death, so no don't do that.

Another possibility is to sail into the polar opening and make your way to the interior of the world.

Tomorrow we will finish this book.

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