
Sunday, May 24, 2020

2020 - The Year of Blackmoor - 50th Anniversary - Day One Hundred and Forty-Five

Celebrating 2020 - The Year of Blackmoor - 50th Anniversary of Blackmoor and of Role-Playing!

Here is more about the evolution of Blackmoor and the movement into areas around Blackmoor. Also about the use of the Outdoor Survival Board.

Note the footnotes. In Open Terrain 13 chances out of 20 for no encounter, but in Woods and Mountain, only 6 chances out of 20 for no encounter.

If there is an encounter, what are your chances of avoiding it, Judges option it varies with party size.

Map Movement (Weekly), movement for normal water travel and through swamp.

The rest times seem extreme to me and I do not use them in my OD&D. Move 7 days, then rest 7 days.

Budget 3,000 Gold Pieces for Model II, I wonder what the number were for Model I? Shows Wholesale and Retail Prices. Note that there are some references to the Gor books, I remember the Gor books, I read the first few, but after that they went downhill quick. They  did have some interesting things, the tarns were pretty cool and the location of the world was also a plus.I do not remember a lot of detail after 40+ years since I looked at them. Arneson did have Slaves in his price list.

I would note here that in the real world there is no point in time during recorded history that slavery was not practiced world wide. Even today in 2020 slavery is oddly enough still present in significant parts of the world.

More equipment.

And yet more information.

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