
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

2020 - The Year of Blackmoor - 50th Anniversary - Day One Hundred and Forty

Celebrating 2020 - The Year of Blackmoor - 50th Anniversary of Blackmoor and of Role-Playing!

Proceeding through the First Fantasy Campaign.

Above is one of the early expansions of the campaign map. Blackmoor is at the center of the map and is a nexus for travel through the area. 

In the campaign map notes he lays out how he reserved a small area out of the center of the Great Kingdom Map of IFW's Castle & Crusade Society and notes that group is now extinct. It is interesting that Blackmoor and the surrounds where based on some old Dutch Maps. Much was derived from those maps including the scale that was used.

After the players were exiled from Blackmoor and moved for a time to Lake Gloomy,they used the Outdoor Survival Board map. He talks about some of the happenings and one area now covered with a deadly yellow mist and no one knows what happened.

A terrain Key to the Campaign Map was also provided.

The above is a ship versus fort encounter that shows the ship getting the upper hand.

Next up we will start (and continue tomorrow) Blackmoor's More Infamous Characters.

Here is where we find out there where sheets (yeah plural) handed out tothe players that told them of horrors lurking in their backyards. Also giving them the details of the initial garrison placed in Blackmoor.

So above we have two Barons, a Captain, an Earl, Swenson's Freehold, Merchants, Bandits, an Inspector General, Wizard of the Wood, a sizable group Dwarves and of Elves and of peasants.

Then referring to the Table of Contents below he gives a disclaimer, pay special attention to that before you continue.

Now with the Table of Contents he lists but a few of the personages that will be described in the following pages.

The ones listed are these with some additional information
Egg of Coot
Ran of Ah Fooh
Gin of Salik
Marfeldt the Barbarian
Duke of the Peaks
Final Notes

Then he lets us know this is a secret list!!
It supercedes another list that was burned before being sent out, to avoid panic.
These are guidelines for setting up these horrible characters.
And you can put the blame on him.

I find this very funny, one is that he is giving handouts to his players and I have heard repeatedly over the years that most players do not like handouts and do not read them.  Now if I am given handouts, I read them, practically by reflex. For me (YMMV), for me, I cannot imagine not reading handouts, but apparently in that regard I am an odd duck. Now I have generally avoided giving players handouts over the years. I am getting ready to run a play by post and am posting information for the players, they can ignore it at their own peril. The second reason I find it funny is his sense of humor, because it is very much like mine.

The descriptions that follow are lengthy and we will take a light look at them tomorrow.

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