
Saturday, April 18, 2020

2020 - The Year of Blackmoor - 50th Anniversary - Day One Hundred and Nine

Celebrating 2020 - The Year of Blackmoor - 50th Anniversary of Blackmoor and of Role-Playing!

Today is Part 52 of my series of looks at OD&D starting with Monsters & Treasure Volume 2.

**For those coming in, in the middle of this series I am giving you my take on OD&D during my first exposure starting in Sept of 1975. For this first part it is just the first three books of the original woodgrain box set and prior to obtaining the Greyhawk, Blackmoor and later Supplements.**

Finishing up with Wands and starting on Staves today. First up is Paralyzation:

Did you catch that? If you miss your saving throw, you are paralyzed, but if you make your saving throw you still take half damage (Half of 6d6 damage).

This is a 6d6 damage Fire Ball.

This is a 6d6 damage Lightning Bolt.

This Wand does both kinds of Polymorph possibilities.

This is a great item to have as a second Wand if you can get your hands on one. Very useful if you are trying to capture, not kill, an opposing Magic-User who has a Wand or a Stave or a Rod.

The Staff of Healing does not have charges like a Wand, it can just be used to heal person after person, but only once per day per person. A clerics with a Staff of Healing are much sought after by armies or any time many may be injured at the same time.

I made this staff more powerful by also adding Undead Control, Giant Control, Dragon Control, Mammal Control and Monster Control.

There is a rare version of this Staff where the serpent will also bite for 2-7 points each round that it is twined around an opponent or is able to prevent counter-attack. There is a roll (as an 8 HD monster) to hit for this with a +4 bonus to hit. 

Tomorrow we will finish up with Staves and also look at the Magic Rods that were added.

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