
Thursday, April 16, 2020

2020 - The Year of Blackmoor - 50th Anniversary - Day One Hundred and Seven

Celebrating 2020 - The Year of Blackmoor - 50th Anniversary of Blackmoor and of Role-Playing!

Today is Part 50 of my series of looks at OD&D starting with Monsters & Treasure Volume 2.

**For those coming in, in the middle of this series I am giving you my take on OD&D during my first exposure starting in Sept of 1975. For this first part it is just the first three books of the original woodgrain box set and prior to obtaining the Greyhawk, Blackmoor and later Supplements.**

Today we will talk about Rings and take a look at some of the things that they do, the restrictions and the benefits.

Rings must be worn on a finger on a chain around your neck or some such does not count. Only one per hand, which would still be sweet for a Green Martian with four hands. Anyone can wear a ring and unless noted otherwise, whatever it does has an unlimited duration.

I also allowed this to control the Mega Mammals if you have them in the game. Note that this Control Spell is complete control. The range of course is really short on this at only 6".

Another nasty cursed item of Weakness. Hope your Cleric took a Remove Curse Spell today.

Also added to the game were a Rings serving as either +2 or +3 Armor. Bonus is to defense and to saving throws. These bonuses IMC stack with Magic Armor bonuses. 

Also added to the game was a Ring of Invulnerability which gives a defensive and a saving throw bonus of +5. This ring cannot be worn with any armor at all and a shield cannot be used. It does stack with any one other of the three Rings named here, but it does not stack with any other Magic Item. This is great for Magic-Users and also for Clerics and and is a must for unarmored Fighting-Men.

I always thought it would be fun to put a character into that endless time loop, because I wanted to see how the rest of the party would try to get that character out of the time loop. Sadly no one ever made that wish. My players from the beginning were always very careful with wishes, they seemed to suspect a catch right from the first time a wish was available. The would write it down and all look at it and write comments before they would say it aloud. A wish usually took longer to resolve that almost anything else in the game.

Another cursed ring, Delusion similar to its other manifestations.

I love rings of Regeneration. I varied how quickly they regenerated the wearer so they never new how quickly it would work, some were faster and some were slower. They open up a lot of possibilities in the game IMO.

A very popular item, everyone wanted one, but they are very hard to find.

Telekinesis equal to a 10th Level Magic-User is nothing to sneeze at. This is a very versatile ring.

Another popular ring, although the players soon decided that only one player could be trusted with it.

Note that the "Finger of Death," Wands and Staves are excluded. I added Rods to the list of exclusions.

Also added was a Ring of Spell Disruption, it would disrupt any spell being aimed at the ring wearer and the spell was just lost. This is good for a maximum of 3 Spells per day. It has the same exclusions as the Ring of Spell Turning.

Also added a Ring of Spell Reflection which fully reflected any spell aimed at the ring wearer back on the caster. This is good for a maximum of 3 Spells per day. Also with the same exclusions as the Ring of Spell Turning.

I changed this to a Ring of Spell Storing and Absorption. It will absorb any Spell aimed at the wearer, if it any available spell storage capacity. I increased the chance of Clerical Spells to 40%. Also added 5% chance that the Ring was a much more powerful variant. It would contain 3-12 1st Level Spells, 2-12 2nd Level Spells, 1-10 3rd Level Spells, 1-8 4th Level Spells, 1-6 5th Level Spells, and 1-4 6th Level Spells. It will also absorb any Spell aimed at the wearer, if it any available spell storage capacity for that specific level of Spell. Spell Absorption works against any spell including "Finger of Death", Wands, Staves and Rods.

Tomorrow we look at Wands, Staves (and Rods).

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