
Wednesday, February 19, 2020

WIZARD FUNK 2 Kickstarter - A fanzine inspired by D&D fanzines and APAs from the 1970s

Project image for WIZARD FUNK 2

This Kickstarter has about 12 days to go, it is for Issue 2 of the Wizard Funk Fanzine. Issue 1 already exists and some of your backing options are to get Issue 1 in pdf or hard copy or both in addition to Issue 2. Or just get Issue 2 (34 pages) if you already have Issue 1. Issue 2 in pdf - 34 pages for One Dollar, seems like the best Kickstarter Deal ever. And again on Two Dollars for both. Or go the hard copy route.

The author, The Dice Bro (you can click on his profile to get more info) says:
Thank you for your interest in the first ever SECOND issue of WIZARD FUNK.  You see, there once was a bunch of games published by a small company in Lake Geneva, WI.   Those games were freaking awesome.  Nothing ever needed to be changed about them.  However, time passed.  High level business-folk became bored with not making more money.  So they encouraged role play game players to cast off the old and spend their bucks on the new.  Time passed again.  People went off to college, married, and/or got careers and stuff.  Then they had mouths to feed and bills to pay.  Then a few of us started getting old and pulled those old games out and started playing them again.  That's my story and I'm sticking with it.  If you buy this fanzine from me, then thanks for your dollars and I hope you like all 34 pages of good times. Sincerely, the Dice Bro.
Low risk. Easy Challenge. It's an amateur fanzine my friends. Me and Me Mates do all of the design, art, writing, editing, collating, stapling and shipping. We are old school enthusiasts. Trust us. We're old. We went to school. And last but not least, we're highly enthusiastic about the subject matter.

The pledge levels are $1.00,  $2.00, $5.00, and $10.00. Two Dollars gets you both pdfs one of which is already fully existing.

Here is what he says about the contents of Issue 2.
I wanted to flesh out whats going to be in WF2 just in case you were wondering whether or not to pledge.  Wizard Funk 2 will feature the following:
1) Original D&D discussion,commentary and anectdotes.
2) Art: cartoons, illustrations and maps by various artists.
3) An original adventure by Tony Elam. He is a major contributor to the gaming world. Look him up! This adventure was written for AD&D 1st edition. But it will also be great for Original Edition enthusiasts.
4) Hopefully an interview with a former employee of TSR.
5) A two page dungeon by The Dice Bro.
6) Play reports from an interesting old school campaign
7) New monsters and magic item descriptions
8) A history lesson
9) Old School D&D trivia
10) And more...
Finally I will be hiring a professional online printer: most likely
Again, thank you for your interest in this fanzine.

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