
Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Promise Town Gazette - An RPG Zine Quest - Old West Kickstarter

I just ran across this Kickstarter and it looks to me like it is setup for success they just need to be funded. See my comments at the bottom. If you are a fan of Old West RPGs, I am of the opinion that you will like this a lot.
The Promise Town Gazette - An RPG Zine Quest
A 24 page Wild West RPG Zine with adventure hooks, NPC's, items, puzzles, maps, and more delivered in the form of a frontier paper.
Project image for The Promise Town Gazette - An RPG Zine Quest
BackgroundMy RPG experience began in 1981 with Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, but soon spread to other types of role-playing games. One of my favorites from my teenage years was Boot Hill. I bought every edition and every module of this wild west game from TSR. In the summer of 1984, I ran a Boot Hill campaign for my gaming group. I printed up a 4-page "newspaper" with articles and advertisements for my players filled with adventure hooks for them to investigate. My parents did our church's Sunday bulletin, so I had the skills, the tools, and the time to make a game aid that was the start of numerous wild west adventures. We all had a lot of fun that summer. Oh, to be 17 again. . .
The Promise Town GazetteThe Promise Town Gazette will be a 5½" x  8½", 24 page, saddle-stitched zine printed in black ink on high-quality parchment-like paper. Each issue of the Gazette will contain 5 NPC's, 3 Maps, 5 Tables, 1 Logic Puzzle, Numerous Adventure Hooks, Cool Art, and Numerous stories of the Weird/Wild West happenings around the fictional setting of Promise Town in Jefferson County Arizona. Oh, and it will look something like this:

Note: These pictures are mock ups to give an idea of the final product.
Overfunding Goals The true goal is to make not just 1, but 4 issues of the Zine. The first, as stated above, would be dated 1868. The second would be dated 1876, after Custer's Defeat at Little Big Horn and it would be sent out in August of 2020. The third would be dated 1880, during the rise of the native-american leader Geronimo and it would be sent out in October of 2020. The fourth would be dated 1903, during the first trans-continental automobile trip and it will be sent out in December of 2020. Every issue will have 5 NPC's, 3 Maps, 5 Tables, 1 Logic Puzzle, Numerous Adventure Hooks, Cool Art, and Numerous stories about the goings on around Promise Town.
If we reach $1000, there will be two issues.
If we reach $1250, there will be three issues.
If we reach $1500, there will be 4 issues.
If we reach $2000, everybody backing at $12 and above will receive 1 Wanted Poster / Mini Adventure PDF.
If we reach $2500, everybody backing at $12 and above will receive ALL 5 Wanted Poster / Mini Adventure PDF's.
Risks and challengesWhile I have worked on two successfully-funded Kickstarter gaming projects (Welcome to Mortiston, USA and The Seas of Vodari), I've never run my own Kickstarter. I am familiar with the concept of hard deadlines and I've overestimated how long everything should take. I believe we should have plenty of buffer time to face any potential setbacks without pushing back the delivery dates.
In terms of shipping experience, I have in the past been an active seller on both eBay and Board Game Geek. I am familiar with the USPS and the requirements of preparing large numbers of packages.
At the bottom of their KS is extensive information about the staff (with pictures of these people) that is putting this together. It looks like a professional team. Check out their bonafides. Help me ramp this Kickstarter up in the last few hours that remain.

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