
Monday, January 20, 2020

30 Day OD&D Challenge - Owlbears and Other Oddities -(Part Six) Day Nineteen

Today's Topic is "Owlbears and Other Oddities, Part Six" as we continue our celebration of International Original Dungeons and Dragons MonthToday is the 20 20 20 post.

Today we are talking about Tritons and Lizard Men.  Greyhawk presents Tritons this way:
TRITONS: Similar to Mermen in appearance, Tritons are more powerful in all ways. They range from 5-7 hit dice, and their ability to use spells is commensurate with their hit dice, ranging from 2nd to 4th level ability. Thus a 5 hit die Triton could use 5 spells up to 2nd level, a 6 hit die Triton could use 6 spells up to 3rd level, and a 7 hit die Triton could use a total of 7 spells up to 4th level. They move 15"/turn in water, but they do not venture on land at all. When mounted on sea horses their movement increases to 24". Armor class varies from 6-4. Magical resistance is very high at 90%; in Lair 25%.
Treasure varies according to strength, 5 hit dice Tritons have Type F, 6 hit dice Tritons have Type G, and 7 dice Tritons have Type H.
Triton, one attack, 3-18 plus special, Number Appearing 5-30+, AC 6-4, Move 15/24, 5-7 HD. 

I did not change much with Tritons, except these things. There will always be at least two - 6 HD Triton, if there are 21 or more there will be at least four - 6 HD Tritons and one - 7 HD Triton, if there are 35 or more there will be at least seven - 6 HD Tritons and at least three - 7 HD Tritons not to exceed 10% of those present in the largest groups will be 7HD and not to exceed 20% of those present in the largest groups will be 6 HD.

Groups of 20 or less have Type F treasure, groups of 21-34 have Type G Treasure and groups of 35 or more will have Type H Treasure. I also changed the number occurring to 8d6+2d12.

They ride Giant Sea Horses of 5 HD AC 6 and they bite for 1d4. (we did not have the Blackmoor Supplement yet when we wrote this up)

Greyhawk presents Lizard Men this way:
LIZARD MEN: These aquatic monsters have a rude intelligence, using weapons such as spears and clubs. They are fond of human flesh, and they will generally capture as many humans as they can when offered the opportunity in order to take them to their lair and have a tribal feast. They live either wholly under water or in very wet places (65%/35%).
Lizard Man, 2 claws 1 bite, 1-3/claw and 1-8/bite, Number Appearing 10-40, AC 5,  Move 6/12, 2+1 HD 
First I split them into Lizard Men and Reptile Men. Lizard Men are on dry land ranging across most terrain types including deserts. Reptile Men are the aquatic monster. 

Among Lizard Men they are specific to a type of terrain so those in hills will have different abilities and adaptations compared to those in deserts or those that dwell in mountainous areas with cliffs or those in deserts with hot sand and sun, but cold nights. 

Among Reptile Men abilities will vary between those in marshes and swamps, rivers, lakes, ocean coastlines. If found near to Tritons they will be enslaved by them and might help a party against Tritons if they thought there was a good chance of success.

I also made them quite a bit smarter so that there are Shaman types among them that can operate as a mix of a Cleric/Mage with up to 2nd level spells of each type. But the number of spells is as for a 5th level Cleric and a 5th Level Mage, of 1st and 2nd level spells only. This is even though they are only 2 HD+1.

Lizard Men have armor of Leather and some metal use, shields and swords, in addition to spears and clubs, they cannot use bows. They do have metal working. Base natural AC is 4.

Reptile Men do not have metal working, but will use metal weapons if they can get their claws on them. They prefer bronze weapons to ferrous metals. Base natural AC is 3.

I also upped the number appearing from 10-40 to 10-100. If there are 21 or more there will be a 3 HD leader, if there are 40 or more add and an additional 4 HD leader and 3 HD leader, if there are 70 or more add a 5 HD leader and two additional 4 HD leaders and four additional 3 HD leaders. There will be one shaman for every 20 in the group.

Tomorrow we will look at the Blackmoor Supplement and the Sahuagin.

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