
Sunday, January 26, 2020

30 Day OD&D Challenge - Eldritch Wizardry Monsters (Part Three) - Day Twenty-Five

Today's Topic is "Eldritch Wizardry Monsters - Part Three" as we continue our celebration of International Original Dungeons and Dragons Month! Today we will look at Intellect Devourers, Su-Monsters and Brain Moles.

Eldritch Wizardry presents Intellect Devourers this way:
INTELLECT DEVOURERS: These chaotic and evil monsters are fairly intelligent and highly malign with regard to sentient life. Their awareness extends to the astral and ethereal planes. The appearance of an intellect devourer is frightening in itself, for they have no apparent head, being merely a ball-like body of sooty black poised upon four legs. They are able to hide in shadow as well as a 10th level thief and their preferred abode is deep beneath the ground or in a dark and dismal place outdoors. Although they are able to attack with their great claws, their primary offensive means is psionic, for they subsist on the psychic energy of their prey — whether gained from the dying shriek or by more subtle means. If psionic energy (from abilities or magical means) is in use nearby (6") they will stalk the user, seeking a time to attack him alone and by surprise. The monster then leaps upon his victim, tearing with his claws and psionically attacking with ego flail or id insinuation. If psionically successful the 'devourer will then house itself within the mindless body, seeking to deceive others by assuming the character of the person it has slain. The intellect devourer will then seek opportunities to attack and devour others. Normal weapons and most spells have no effect upon these monsters. Magical weapons +3 or more cause 1 point of damage upon them when they hit. Bright light will drive them off. and a protection from evil will keep them at a distance. Fire balls serve only as a bright light, but lightning bolts will cause them pain and some small damage (1 point per die of lightning bolt strength). A death spell has a 25% chance of success, and a power word-kill will slay them. Of course, they can be psionically attacked, and their psionic strength of 200 total makes this not too difficult. However, if seriously threatened they will seek to flee and save themselves. Intellect devourers often roan the astral and ethereal planes. They are able to speak any human language.
They appear in 1 or 2 at a time and are 6 HD, I did not use these since I do not run psionics; however, if you are into psionics they are an iconic monsters and as they can occupy a mindless both and deceive others, it is a terror for player characters.

Eldritch Wizardry presents Su-Monsters this way:
SU-MONSTERS: These evil and chaotic things are found both underground and outdoors. Their bodies somewhat resemble a wasp-waisted, great chested hound. Their heads appear much like gorillas'. All four feet are prehensile and armed with long and extremely sharp nails as well. Su-monsters are at home upright or hanging upside down — the latter being one of their favorite methods of lurking for prey. If more than four are encountered it is likely that the group will be a male, female, and young (determine growth state by rolling a 20-sided die for maturity, using 10% increment, and treating 10% as 20% and 100% as 30%). The female will fight at double value for six turns if the young are attacked, and the male will fight at double value for four turns if the female is attacked. Su-monsters have a latent psionic ability which enables them to deliver some form of psionic attack once (per day) if psionic activity is being used near (within 12" of them). Determine attack form by rolling a 6-sided die: 1-2 = psychic crush, 2-4 = psionic blast, 5-6 = mind thrust. Psionic defense is not necessary as the Su-monster is not itself subject to psionic attack.
They appear from 1 to as many as 12 at a time and are 4+2 HD,  if you are into psionics they are an iconic monsters. Since they are a significant threat without the psionics I did use these. They are AC 6, move at 12 inches and get 5 attacks each per round 4 claws/1 bite. They do 1-3/claw and 1-8/bite. The thing that really makes them a vicious encounter I placed in bold above. I changed the number appearing from 1-12 to 5-12(1d8+4) so that the part in bold always applies. 

Eldritch Wizardry presents Brain Moles this way:
BRAIN MOLES: These small, rodent-like creatures inhabit most places above and below ground. They are attracted by psionic activity (including that of a magical sort). If they come within 3" of a person exercising such activity they will seek to feed upon this energy by psionically burrowing; this has the effect of a mind thrust of 121 point strength upon psionics, and it has a 20% chance per turn of burrowing of causing insanity in non-psionics using psionic related spells or items of magical nature. The only way to escape the attack is to kill the brain mole or to escape from its range.
They appear in 1-3 at a time and are 1 HD and have no AC, I did not use these since I do not run psionics. If you do use them, note that they have no treasure and you might want to consider increasing the number appearing. If I were to use them I would make their habitat a bit more limited.

Tomorrow I will look at Mind Flayers, Cerebral Parasites, and Thought Eaters.

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