
Friday, January 31, 2020

2020 - The Year of Blackmoor - 50th Anniversary - Day Thirty-One

Celebrating 2020 - The Year of Blackmoor - 50th Anniversary!

Today as we celebrate the end of the first month of The Year of Blackmoor, I want to ask you all some questions.

Do you game like Dave Arneson? As a referee, do you create your own Homebrewed Game World? Or as a player do you play in a Homebrewed Game World? Do you tweak the rules to suit your Game World or do you tweak your Game World to suit the rules? 

Do you create your own magic items? Do you create your own monsters? Do you create your own unique take on the monsters and magic items found in the "rules" or do you play it by the book? Do you change the ways spells work? Do you create new spells just for your game?

Do you constantly tinker with the "rules" and try new things, keeping what you like and discarding was does not work?

Is your game a wild and wooly rollercoaster? Does it change pace from a slow cautious exploration to a fast paced edge of the seat nail biter and back again? Is your game improvisational? Do you create on the fly when the characters go outside your prepared space? Do your NPCs have personalities, goals, agendas and do they become real people to your players?

Does your game have history and continuity from one session to the next? Do things happen outside the purview of the PCs? Is your world living and breathing? Is it dynamic?

What is your world, your game like?

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