
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Day One - Blackmoor Week 2019

Today, September 24th, 2019 is Day One of Blackmoor Week and eight day week celebration of the creation of Blackmoor by David "Dave" Lance Arneson culminating in celebrating his birthday on October 1st, 2019 (Dave Arneson Game Day).
This is an Annual Event and honors the creator of the Game Engine that all Role Playing Games use. While the Game Engine is used for all role playing games, it was first used for Table Top Fantasy Adventure Games such as Blackmoor from which the published game Dungeons and Dragons was derived.

The differing mechanics of each of many role playing games, when used with Arneson's Game Engine, can be used to play many different games from Dungeons & Dragons, to Traveller, to Gamma World to Tunnels & Trolls and hundreds of other games. All of these games, no matter how much the mechanics differ, use Dave Arneson's Game Engine.

Over at the Secrets of Blackmoor Blog a recent post gives a streamlined summary of the gist of the book "Dave Arneson's True Genius" By Robert J Kuntz.

Streamlining Dave Arneson's True Genius This is a short, but clear and concise explanation., by use of an analogy, of one of the main points of the book. You can purchase the book at

Secrets of Blackmoor produced and recently published the documentary movie SECRETS of BLACKMOOR - The True History of Dungeons & Dragons (Volume One) making it available first to the Kickstarter Backers and then to the general public. If you follow the link you can watch the entire two hours plus of the movie at vimeo as a streaming video for a small fee. The entire video will also soon be available on DVD and IIRC also on BlueRay. This first film sets the background of how the Game Engine was created. There are additional planned films in the series and the taped interviews and documents have already been gathered, they just need to be assembled in the meticulous way that this one was. Excellent visual and sound quality.

So join me in celebrating Dave Arneson and Blackmoor Week! More to follow tomorrow.

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