
Tuesday, September 6, 2016

ENWorld - Unfortunately this not a surprise!

I am going to present these posts without much comment simply because I think they speak for themselves and as bad as it is, it is unfortunately not a surprise.

On September 1st +ErikTenkar posted the following: 
Adamant Entertainment 2.0 - Someone Does Not Know the Definition of Stalwart
Then a little later he posted:
 Does ENWorld Publish ANY Sean Fannon "News Articles" That AREN'T Stroke Jobs? (Follow Up Post - Rant)
And then on September 2nd he posted:
 Down the Rabbit Hole - ENWorld's Sean Fannon Thinks "it's a fine, fuzzy line between news, promotion, and outright advertising" (Rant)
Also on September 2nd +Kasimir Urbanski posted this:
ENWorld Reviews are Payola, Probably Broke The Law!
Then on September the 6th +Venger Satanis posted this:
Should ENworld keep stroking itself? 
 Does anyone know of an ENWorld response to all of this, other than:
IMO the above posts are not abusive and are not mean-spirited. IMO they are pointing out something that needs to be pointed out. If you are making money from something that you are promoting, then you should say so. I am not making money from anything at this time or previously, if that changes I will post that info when it does. Being paid does not invalidate what you say, but it does identify that you might be biased. On the other hand hiding that you are being paid, that does invalidate what you say IMO.

And finally on September 6th Eric Tenkar also posted this:

I do not like to dwell on the negative side of things, I would much rather post about things that are inspiring. This is not one of those things, other than it is inspiring that people starting with Eric Tenkar had the guts to say something.


  1. What? Bias is the RPG industry? Who would have thought...

  2. I feel like there are a bunch of people with torches and pitchforks. All they need is a target to go attack to feel completely complete.

    ENWorld may or may not be the Worst Thing Ever, but I'm betting it isn't. Just ignore it; it will go away.

    1. I think it is more a matter of saying something before it gets worse and from what I am reading there have already been a bit more disclosure going on which I think is a good thing.

  3. On a totall separate note, here's another fellow who maybe doesn't get enough promotion:

    Or maybe he does?

    1. I will check this blog out and let you know what I think. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
