
Thursday, July 14, 2016

Robert J Kuntz Update!! New Projects to be Published Soon!!

Robert J Kuntz, close friend of Dave Arneson & Gary Gygax and one of the original and major playtesters of the Original Dungeons & Dragons, has a number of projects that are now coming to fruition and are being published. Over on Kuntz' blog there is the announcement about these projects:

Titled the El Raja Key Archive:

The RJK DVD Collection is nearly set to go after many delays.   The Collector’s Trove (Paul Stormberg/Kevin Maurice) is finalizing the matter and I have recent word from Paul of a final release date in a month to 6 weeks.  There’s some extra content that’s been added by me and that is a solid, surprise bonus.  I am awaiting a mailing of the DVD to me for review and then after that it goes into production and release.  The size, from what I’ve been told, is 6.8 GB constituting 1100 scanned files.

Three Line Studio link Which is the new website by Kuntz and his wife Nathalie and is brand new and under construction. There first product will be:

...a book of linked essays regarding Dave Arneson:  “Dave Arneson’s True Genius.”  This is a preliminary shot across the bow for my major forthcoming works, “A New Ethos in Game Design” (due out 2017) and “New Models for RPGs” (due out 2018).

The manuscript for Dave Arneson's True Genius is finished (around 20,000 words) and we intend to release this before the end of the year! 

 Then Kuntz goes on to say:

My RPG Works continue with the Italian republication of Bottle City due out by Mondiversi (Amos Pons) at LUCCA 2016; a new D&D module already written (17,200 words) but of which I cannot speak about as yet other than to say that it derives from something I created for GENCON way in the past... And I have been negotiating with my friends at Black Blade Publishing about some related work and this particular module, all of which takes time.  I am full-time in this industry but many who publish and assist have day jobs, so I must understandably wait upon them for final dates and verdicts, etc.

To me these are must reads and  I am looking forward to getting each one of them as they come out. One of those "some related work" that he mentions in regard to Black Blade Publishing I believe will involve somethings that I am very interested in and I will announce as soon as any news is released.

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