
Saturday, February 6, 2016

Gygax House Rules, Comments & Additions for OD&D - Part II

I have copied this information from the odd74 forum with permission and placed it here for your perusal. It was complied and  organized by poster krusader74

I (krusader74) uploaded a slightly modified version of the Markdown file to my Pastebin:

Then I used Pandoc to create a PDF version of the Markdown file. It is 5.5 inches wide and 8.5 inches high. There are 27 pages. There is no cover yet. If anyone would like to contribute a cover (or cover art), let me know.

I shared this PDF in my Dropbox.

For those interested in making their own customizations to the PDF, here is the Pandoc command-line I used to create it:

pandoc --toc --toc-depth=2 --smart -V geometry:paperwidth=5.5in -V geometry:paperheight=8.5in -V geometry:margin=.5in -o output.pdf
You could use Pandoc to convert the Markdown to HTML, ePub, mobi, tex, etc. For PDF output, you can adjust the paper size, etc.

If anyone finds any typos or errors, please let me know and I'll make corrections.

If anyone would like to suggest any additional Gygax-iana for inclusion in this collection, please let me know. There were some other articles Gygax wrote for newsletters in the 70s about early OD&D adventures that may be of interest:

See The d6 HD OD&D Thief at the ZENOPUS ARCHIVES. (The original 1974 thief compared to the thief in the Greyhawk Supplement.)

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