
Sunday, January 11, 2015

OD&D and Taking a Look at Other Peoples Blogs - 003

As I said I will be highlighting  other old school blogs in no particular order. My list of blogs is up to 412 as I write this and I am keeping the list in alphabetical order so that I can easily keep track of what I have and also so that the link to a specific blog is easily located. If a link is dead, I will still keep it for a while in case it goes live again.

So now on to looking at a few more blogs that you might want to take a gander at:

A Hamsterish Hoard of Dungeons and Dragons
This blogs busiest year was 2009, it has lots of monsters and other things for an ample archive and lots of fun reading.

Troll and Flame
This blog is fairly active and has a robust Archive, a lot of interesting reading along with a Dave Hargrave quote:
This supplement is offered in the hopes that it will infuse new life into the amateur side of fantasy role playing games, and stimulate the free idea exchanges so sorely needed to keep this type of gaming alive and viable.
What more could you want?

This is a great old school blog, a very good read and a lot of downloadable resources. A very useful site.

Lord of the Green Dragons
This blog has slowed down as of late, but it has a lot of archive material from a lot of different contributors. The archives are worth exploring and perhaps its active status will be resumed this year.

The contributors to this blog are:


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