
Monday, December 8, 2014

Ye Olde School (Dungeons & Dragons) List of Retro Games & Clones, Retro Clones, and What Have You! 001

Ye Olde School List of Retro Games & Clones, Retro Clones, and What Have You

Please note that this is my list of games and links that I have been compiling for quite some time. Some of the links might be bad and if you have a working link please send it to me and I will update this post.

Ye Olde School List of Retro Games; Clones, Retro Clones, Emulations and What Have You

Please note the First Fantasy Campaign written by Dave Arneson and first published in 1977 (1971-1977 content) was its own game & campaign and the contents predate OD&D. In addition, Adventures in Fantasy written by Dave Arneson and Richard Snider and published in 1978 is not derived from OD&D or later D&D, it is a continuation of the First Fantasy Campaign.
Neither of these games is currently in print (hard copy or pdf)

Predating 0E - Chainmail based games

27th Edition Platemail

0E – Original Dungeons & Dragons Based Games

Ancient Mysteries & Lost Treasures based on Swords & Wizardy
Arrows of Indra
Backswords & Bucklers based on Swords & Wizardy
Bandits & Basilisks
The Big Brown Book
Blood & Bullets based on Swords & Wizardy
Cal Tech Warlock D&D variant 1975 version in The Spartan Simulation Gaming Journal #9 in August 1975. Source NEEDED
Champions of Zed
The Complete Warlock Published 1978 The Balboa version Source NEEDED
The Complete WarlockPublished 2000 To get it see yahoo group Warlock - A variant of Dungeons and Dragons Mod approval needed!
Crimson Blades
Delving Deeper Free PDFs
Delving Deeper BHP Boxed Set
Épées & Sorcellerie, english translation - print, at cost
Épées & Sorcellerie, english translation - free pdf
Full Metal Plate Mail based on OD&D as interpreted through 3E/3.5E
The Grey Book based on OD&D plus some of the supplements and some AD&D
Grey Matter based on OD&D
Grey Six based on OD&D plus later D&D/AD&D adds
Guardians SuperHero alternate version of OD&D
Humanspace Empires based on OD&D & Empire of the Petal Throne
Iron Falcon Rules for Classic Fantasy Role-Playing based on OD&D and the Greyhawk Supplement
Labyrinth Lord – Original Edition Characters
Lamentations of the Flame Princess
primordial_odd based on OD&D
Searchers of the Unknown *See below for related games*
Shinobi & Samurai
Swords & Six-Siders
Swords & Wizardry - Core Rules
Swords & Wizardy - Complete
Swords & Wizardry - White Box
Torch & Sword
Treasure Hunters RPG
Warriors of the Red Planet
Wyrms & Warrens - based on Swords & Wizardy
X-plorers (Lighter Free Version]
X-Plorers (More Complete Version on RPGNOW)

0E - Searchers of the Unknown based games NOTE: Searchers of the Unknown is based on OD&D (*related games from above note*)

Searchers of the Unknown RPG Collection 2012 Ed This link is for all of the below listed games in this section

Brickmasters of the Unknown
Cyborg Samurai Are Go!
Demihumans of the Unknown
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
Dwarven Glory
Dwarven Glory: Runecasting
Searchers in Spaaaace!!!
Funkin Fists of Fu
Hobbits of the Unknown
Jung Guns
Karry on Krawling
Monsters of the Unknown
Mutant Got Gunz
Mutant Scavengers of the Ruined Earth
Raiders of the Unknown
Sailing the Skies of Mars
Scavengers & Spacewrecks
Searchers of the Unknown D20 Style
Searchers of the Unknown Target 20
Song of the Symbi
SotU Refired
Spellcasters of the Unknown
Swashbucklers of Mars
Tempora Mutantur Core Rules
The Bastards
TM: Alternate Core Rules
TM: Humanoid Encounters
TM: Metal Gods
TM: Metal Gods Adventure
TM: Morlock Den Adventure
TM: Mutations
TM: Relics
TM: Sleepers
TM: Subterranean Exploration
TM: The Creep
TM: Wilderness Encounters
TM: Wilderness Exploration
Wheelspins in the Wasteland
Witches of Nkai

Post 0E - Holmes Basic Dungeons & Dragons based games

Holmes77 Source Needed
BLUEHOLME™ Prentice Rules
The Holmes Companion
Mazes & Perils
Warriors, Wizards & Wyrms

Post 0E - B/X, BECMI, RC Dungeons & Dragons based games

Adventures in the East Mark English Version now available
Adventurer Conqueror King
Arcana Rising
English version of Aventuras en la Marca del Este in the works
Basic Fantasy Roleplaying
The Blue Book of Dangers & Dweomers
B/X Companion
Companion Expansion
Dangers and Dweomers
Dark Dungeons
Darker Dungeons
Hulks & Horrors
Labyrinth Lord
Small But Vicious Dog
Treasure Hunters

1E - 1st Ed Advanced Dungeons & Dragons based games

Adventures in Fantasy Out of Print
Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea
Balrogs and Bagginsess
The Challenges Game System Out of print
Fantastic Heroes & Witchery
Labyrinth Lord – Advanced Companion Edition
Myth & Magic
Project 74
Scarlet Heroes

2E - 2nd Ed Advanced Dungeons & Dragons based games

Adventures Dark & Deep Based on comments & statements by Gygax
For Gold & Glory

Other Games – Games that are based on more than one version Dungeons & Dragons and sometimes other non-D&D games. Games not directly derived from but may be inspired by a version of OD&D/CD&D/AD&D and strive to have an "Old School" feel. Games based on one or more versions of Dungeons & Dragons, but with non-D&D mechanics.

1 Pot RPG
13th Age
3D6 In Order
3rd Ed Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (not WotC

Adventure Fantasy Game
Ambition & Avarice: 1st Edition

Back to the Dungeon RPG
Barbarians of Lemuria
Barebones Fantasy
Beyond the Wall and other adventures
The Big Brown Book
Blood & Treasure
Blood, Guts & Glory – formerly Darkest Dungeons
BrickMasters of the Unknown
Broken Urthe
Burning THAC0

Crumbling Epoch
Crypts & Things

D6 Adventure
D6 Fantasy
Dagger for Kids
Dragons at Dawn [Not currently available]an attempt to recreate the rules of the original Blackmoor campaign 1971+(Pre-OD&D)
Dark Passages based on OD&D and 1st Ed AD&D with d20 twist (need current link)
Dark Passages Complete based on OD&D and 1st Ed AD&D with d20 twist (need current link)
Dark Sun OSR Hack
Dreams of Mythic Fantasy
Drowning & Falling
Dungeon Crawl Classics/Goodman Games Ranges from OD&D based to 5E based and other games
Dungeon Delvers
Dungeon Slayers
Dungeon Squad
Dungeon World

Elegia aka *Retro Phaze Fantasy RPG based on the tropes and mechanics of eight-bit console RPGs.
Encounter Critical
Engines & Empires
Errant RPG Not Currently Available

Fenris 2d6
Fictive Hack
Fire & Sword
Five Ancient Kingdoms
Flying Swordsmen
Forward … To Adventure!

Gods & Monsters
Go Fer Yer Gun! Not Currently Available

Hackmaster Basic
Heroes Against Darkness
Heroes & Other Worlds
Holmes GM Screen
Hideouts & Hoodlums

Into the Odd

Jeff Brain Art

Legends of the Ancient World
Legends of the Untamed West
Legends of Time & Space
Liber Zero
Long Live the Fighting Men and Magic-Users!!! Not currently Available

Mazes & Minotaurs1972 Original Rules
Mazes & Minotaurs1987 Revised Rules

Medieval Mysteries d20 3.5E Beyond Belief Games versions Not Currently Available (unrelated to the Heyoka product)
Medieval Mysteries, Sleuthing in the Middle Ages Heyoka Studios version (1PG see Deep 7 Press)(unrelated to the Beyond Belief Product)
(Microlite 74 family of games)Tarnhelm's Terrible Tome House Rules from the 1970's rendered d20 based
Microlite74 Basic emulate the feel & style of OD&D (d20 based)
Microlite74 Standard emulate the feel & style of OD&D (d20 based)
Microlite74 Extended formerly called Microlite75 emulate the feel & style of OD&D (d20 based)
Microlite74 Companion I: Optional Rules emulate the feel & style of OD&D (d20 based)
Microlite74 Companion II: Treasure emulate the feel & style of OD&D (d20 based)
Microlite74 Companion III: More Optional Rules emulate the feel & style of OD&D (d20 based)
Microlite74 Companion IV: Bestiary of Monsters emulate the feel & style of OD&D (d20 based)
Microlite74 Companion V: First Edition Spells emulate the feel & style of OD&D (d20 based)
Microlite74 Version 2.0 Ancient Auguries emulate the feel & style of OD&D (d20 based)
Microlite74 Version 2.0 Wary's Grimoire emulate the feel & style of OD&D (d20 based)
Microlite74 Light vs Dark (formerly titled Microlite74 Special Version I) emulate the feel & style of OD&D with only two gods (d20 based)
Microlite74 Swords & Sorcery emulate the feel & style of OD&D for Sword & Sorcery (d20 based)
Microlite75 Basic emulate the feel & style of OD&D with conversion to D20-based system
Microlite75 Standard emulate the feel & style of OD&D with conversion to D20-based system
Microlite75 Extended emulate the feel & style of OD&D with conversion to D20-based system
Microlite81 emulate the feel & style of B/X D&D with conversion to a D20-based system
Microlite81 Complete based on the attempt to emulate the feel and style of Old School OD&D (more detailed than Microlite81)
Microlite81 Extended emulate the feel & style of B/X D&D with conversion to a D20-based system
Microlite81 Advanced emulate the feel & style of a mashup of B/X D&D & 1st Ed AD&D with conversion to a D20-based system
Microlite78 First Edition Lite emulate the feel & style of 1st Ed AD&D with conversion to a D20-based system
RetroRoleplaying Cancer Fund (Special Microlite Downloads) Microlite/RetroRoleplay has additional password protected game items & Fanzine available with a Cancer Fund donation (any amount -- small or large) (IMO well worth it)
Mini Six
Monsters & Magic
Mutants & Machine Guns
My D20 Lite


Old Edition Delta
Old School Hack
Old School Hats
Omega World
Other Dust
Owl Hoot Trail

Pars Fortuna
Peril aka Pocket Full of Peril
Pits & Perils
Perilous Journeys

Red Box Fantasy
Red Box Hack
Renegade based on OD&D & other versions of D&D/AD&D
Retro Phaze aka *Elegia Fantasy RPG based on the tropes and mechanics of eight-bit console RPGs.
Ruins & Riches
Ruins & Ronin
Rune Quest 2 fans - the D100II SRD

Sabres and Witchery
Searchers of the Unknown
SERPENT (Serpent RPG Mod - standalone version of rules)
Shadow Sword & Spell
Siege Perilous
Sorcery & Super Science
Spears of the Dawn
Spellcraft & Swordplay
Stone & Wood
Swords of Abandon
Sword & Board
Sword & Shield

The Fantasy Quest
The Secret Fire
Tombs & Terrors
Treasure Awaits!
Tunnel Quest

Under the Moons of Zoon

Vikings & Valkyries

Warrior, Rouge & Mage


3E&3.5E - 3rd Ed Dungeons & Dragons (formerly known as 3rd Ed Advanced Dungeons & Dragons until WotC changed the name) and 3.5 Ed of Dungeons & Dragons based games

Amazing Adventures
Castles & Crusades
Fantasy Craft
Legends and Labyrinths
Mages & Monsters
MyD20 Lite
New Feierland

4E - 4th Ed Dungeons & Dragons based games

Four Sons of the Rising Dawn (4SRD
4th Trifold Basic Rules
D&D 4.5
Fourth Edition Reborn
Magic Sword FourthEdition Reborn
Open 4E
The Sacred BBQ

5E - 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons based games

No games based on 5E have yet been brought to my attention


D6 Space
Encounter Critical
Humanspace Empires
Legends of Time & Space
Machinations of the Space Princess
Micro Mech Warrior
Mutan tFuture
Rayguns, Rocketships & Robots
Red Planet
Stars without Number
Space Madness
Starships & Spacemen
Star Wars Galactic Adventures
Sorcery & Super Science!
Stars Without Number
Tales of the Space Princess
Space Rift
Tempora Mutantur
Terminal Space
X-plorers (Lighter Free Version]
X-Plorers (More Complete Version on RPGNOW)


Mystery Men
SUPERS! Comic Book Role Playing Game


Legends of the Untamed West
Owl Hoot Trail
Shotguns & Saddles Old School, Old West RPG
Wierd West RPG



Brazilian Portuguese:

Old Dragon


Tempora Mutantur


Kard és Mágia
Kazamaták és Kompániák


Donjon de Poche
Dungeon SlayersFrench version Epées & Sorcellerie

Aventures fantastiques (mix between B/X and AD&D clone), free pdf, in french.

Aventures fantastiques - Players guide
Aventures fantastiques - Monsters and treasures

Frightful Hobgoblin Blog - Epées & Sorcellerie and other games
Épées & Sorcellerie 2nd edition and other games.


Aventuras en la Marca del Este
Adventures in the East Mark Spanish & English


Fantasy! - Old School Gaming
Parallel Worlds

Retroclone websites

Beyond Heroes
FATEsy Heartbreaker

Link to a list of gaming stuff at Lulu from a blog post:

Gaming Books on Lulu by the blog owner

Most recent update mid August 2016 and is ongoing.


  1. Thanks for the list. I'll have to check out some of these. Your hard work is appreciated.

  2. You are more than welcome, I hope you find something of use to your campaign!
