
Monday, December 8, 2014

Ye Olde School Blog List

Ye Olde School Blog List!  Look at the right hand side of my blog at the blog list, it currently contains 323 blogs, all of which I have read at least some of and many quite a bit of and a few almost all of. Obviously I can not keep up with all of the posts on all of them, but I do periodically check them, several at a time to look for posts of particular interest to me and those interests are broad, likely broader than most would suspect.  I would love to make that list longer and task the limits of blogger with the number there, so please feel free to recommend more blogs to me that you feel are old school and worth reading. There is a lot of great information collected in those blogs and mining it for ideas is a lot of fun. Thinking about those ideas, tweaking them for my campaigns and sharing them is even more fun.

 EDIT: now 330 blogs 

EDIT: now 340 blogs 

EDIT: now 348 blogs 12/18/2014 

EDIT: now 363 blogs 12/24/2014 

EDIT: now 368 blogs 12/27/2014 

EDIT: now 374 blogs 01/06/2015 

EDIT: now 500 blogs 02/18/2015