
Sunday, December 14, 2014

OD&D - The Ranger - Simplifying the Description - 005

So we have the first draft of a revised Ranger description as follows:


Rangers are a sub-class of Fighting-Men who must remain Lawful or lose all of the sub-class benefits and revert back to a Fighting-Man. Rangers must have Strength (PR) and Constitution Scores of at least 15 and Intelligence and Wisdom Scores of at least 12. They receive no regular bonuses for advancement due to ability. Rangers start with two hit dice at first level and go up from there.

Rangers----------------Experience-------------------------------------------Total Spells/Level
Levels------------------Points-----------Hit Dice-----Spell Ability--------------1st----2nd----3rd

Runner, 1st ------------------0--------------2---------Nil
Strider, 2nd ----------------1875------------3---------Nil
Scout, 3rd -----------------3750------------4---------Nil
Guide, 4th -----------------9000------------5---------Nil
Pathfinder, 5th ------------18755-----------6---------Nil
Warder, 6th ---------------37500-----------7---------Nil
Guardian, 7th --------------75000----------8---------Nil
Ranger-Knight, 8th --------175000----------9---------Cleric, 1st Level------------1
Ranger-Lord, 9th ----------275000---------10--------+Magic-User, 1st Level-----2
Ranger-Lord, 10th ---------550000---------10+2------+Cleric 2nd Level----------2------1
Ranger-Lord, 11th ---------825000---------10 +4-----+Magic-User 2nd Level----2------2
Ranger-Lord, 12th --------1100000---------10 +6-----+Cleric 3rd Level-----------3-------2-------1
Ranger-Lord, 13th --------1375000---------10 +8-----+Magic-User 3rd Level----3-------2-------2

Rangers under 8th level may only own what they can carry with them; everything else must be put to charitable uses. Rangers may not have any hirelings of any kind.  Rangers, Paladins, Clerics, Lawful Fighting-Men and Lawful Magic-Users work well together.

An advantage accruing to all Rangers is the ability to track the path of most creatures when outdoors, with a basic 9 in 10 chance of following a trail with a reduction of 1 in 10 for every day old the signs are. In dungeons they are often able to follow as detailed when no more than six turns has elasped:

Monster's Action----------------Regular Needs to Track

goes down a normal passage-------1-13 on a d20
goes through a normal door--------1-11 on a d20
goes through a trap door----------1-10 on a d20
goes up/down a chimney----------1-8 on a d20
goes through a secret door--------1-6 on a d20

Rangers can only be surprised on a roll of 1 in 6. Rangers fight with ferocity against the enemies of mankind especially the Chaotic Humanoid Races and for each level they have gained they add a +1 to their damage against such creatures. (+1 - 1st level, +2 - 2nd level and so on) Upon reaching 8th level and higher Rangers begin to accrue a number of advantages: Spells as already mentioned, then at 9th level, they are able to employ magic items which heal or cure disease, including scrolls. In addition, at 9th level from 2-24 followers will join the character as detailed below. They will give away all treasure that they win, save that which is necessary to maintain themselves, their men, and a modest castle. Rangers may not obtain a castle until they reach 10th level. Followers that are killed may not be replaced, although regular hirelings may be replaced.

Rangers can only be surprised on a roll of 1 in 6. Rangers fight with ferocity against the enemies of mankind especially the Chaotic Humanoid Races and for each level they have gained they add a +1 to their damage against such creatures. (+1 - 1st level, +2 - 2nd level and so on) Upon reaching 8th level and higher Rangers begin to accrue a number of advantages: Spells as already mentioned, then at 9th level, they are able to employ magic items which heal or cure disease, including scrolls. In addition, at 9th level from 2-24 followers will join the character as detailed below. They will give away all treasure that they win, save that which is necessary to maintain themselves, their men, and a modest castle. Rangers may not obtain a castle until they reach 10th level. Followers that are killed may not be replaced, although regular hirelings may be replaced.

Special Followers: For each of the 2-24 followers the Ranger gains a dice roll must be made to determine what the follower is. Further dice rolls to determine type, class, and/or level will also be necessary and rolls should be made using a d20.

1-10 ---Man
11-13 --Elf or Half-Elf
14-16 --Dwarf
17-18 --2 Hobbits
19-20 --Extraordinary (see below)

Multi-Class (Elves Only)
1-10 ---Fighter
11-16 --Fighter/Magic-User
17-20 --Magic-User

Class (Men Only)
1-10 ---Fighter
11-15 --Cleric
16-20 --Magic-User

Level of Ability (Roll for each)
1-10 ---2nd Level
11-13 --3rd Level
14-16 --4th Level
17-18 --5th Level
19 -----6th Level
20 -----7th Level

Extraordinary Followers
1-5 ----Ranger, 3rd - 7th Level
5-10 ---Lawful Werebear
11-12 --2 Unicorns
13-14 --Pegasus
15-16 --Hill Giant
17-18 --Stone Giant
19 -----Golden Dragon
20 -----Take two rolls ignoring any 00's which might come up

Where not otherwise specified Rangers perform as Fighting Men and they will strongly prefer Lawful characters to Neutral characters.


  1. Nice work!

    I'll be using this in my games from now on.

    (To improve clarity, consider breaking up some of your sentences:

    Rangers under 8th level may only own what they can carry with them and everything else must be put to charitable uses and they may not have any hirelings of any kind.

    Rangers under 8th level may only own what they can carry with them; everything else must be put to charitable uses. Rangers may not have any hirelings of any kind.)

  2. Well it is a first draft! :) Unfortunately grammar and punctuation is not one of my strong suits. It takes me several drafts to get it close to correct and 99% of what I know was learned after high school. It would be more natural had I had the opportunity to have learned it in elementary school.

    :) Hope that you and others will find it useful; I have a number of others I also intend to do. The OD&D bard has such a long description, I see no way to do it other than a complete ground up rewrite.
