
Sunday, December 14, 2014

OD&D - The Ranger - Simplifying the Description - 003

Rangers start with two hit dice at first level and go up from there. Hit dice and spells are as follows:

    Level -----------Hit Dice-----Spell Ability
    Ranger-Knight-----9---------Cleric, 1st Level---------------1
    Ranger-Lord--------10-------+Magic-User, 1st Level---------2
    Ranger-Lord, 10th--10+2----+Cleric 2nd Level--------------2---1
    Ranger-Lord, 11th--10 +4---+Magic-User 2nd Level---------2---2
    Ranger-Lord, 12th--10 +6----+Cleric 3rd Level--------------3---2---1
    Ranger-Lord, 13th--10 +8----+Magic-User 3rd Level---------3---2---2

I am thinking of making a change here, but I will come back and do that once I have put way more thought into it.

The next section to look at reads as follows:

 Until they attain the 8th level (Ranger-Knight) characters in the Ranger class are relatively weak, for they have a number of restrictions placed upon them, These restrictions are:
    They may own only that which they can carry with them, and excess treasure or goods must be donated to a worthy cause. They may not hire any men-at-arms or other servants or aides of any kind whatsoever. Only two of the class may operate together.

This definitely needs rewritten especially since the statement relatively weak is completely untrue. So rewrite as follows:


Rangers under 8th level may only own what they can carry with them and everything else must be put to charitable uses and they may not have any hirelings of any kind.

But I would drop the limitations on how many Rangers can operate together, since using 3d6 in order you should not have very many as PCs. I would also add that Rangers and Paladins and Lawful Fighting-Men work well together.

The next section reads:

Advantages which accrue to low-level Rangers are:

+They receive no regular bonuses for advancement due to ability, but they automatically gain 4 experience points for every 3 earned.
+They have the ability to track the path of most creatures when outdoors, and even in dungeons they are often able to follow:

Monster's Action Regular Needs to Track

goes down a normal passage 01 -65
goes through a normal door 01 -55
goes through a trap door 01 - 50
goes up/down a chimney 01 - 40
goes through a secret door 01 -30

The ranger so tracking must have observed the monster no more than six turns previously when in dungeon situations. On the outdoor he has a basic 90% chance of following a trail, with a 10% reduction for every day old the signs are.

Rewrite as follows:

An advantage accruing to all Rangers is the ability to track the path of most creatures when outdoors, with a basic 9 in 10 chance of following a trail with a reduction of 1 in 10 for every day old the signs are. In dungeons they are often able to follow as detailed when no more than six turns has elasped:
[u]Monster's Action----------------Regular Needs to Track[/u]
goes down a normal passage-------1-13 on a d20
goes through a normal door--------1-11 on a d20
goes through a trap door----------1-10 on a d20
goes up/down a chimney----------1-8 on a d20
goes through a secret door--------1-6 on a d20

The next section to look at is:

Because of their ability to track Rangers also are difficult to surprise, requiring a roll of 1 instead of 1 or 2.
All Rangers gain a special advantage when fighting against monsters of the Giant Class (Kobolds - Giants). For each level they have gained they add +1 to their damage die against these creatures, so a 1st Level Ranger adds +1, a 2nd Level +2, and so on.
Upon reaching the 8th and higher levels, Rangers begin to accrue a number of advantages besides the use of spells already indicated.
+From 2-24 followers will join the character as soon as 9th level is attained by him. These followers are detailed later.
+Ranger-Knights are able to employ magic items which heal or cure disease, including scrolls.
+Ranger-Lords are able to employ all devices which deal with Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, ESP, Telepathy, Telekenesis, and Teleportation, including scrolls.
Drawbacks which apply to the 8th and higher levels are:
-The 4 experience points for every 3 earned bonus is lost.
- Followers who are killed cannot be replaced, although regular mercenaries can be.
-As already mentioned, if a Ranger turns Neutral or Chaotic he loses all benefits of the class, becoming an ordinary Fighting Man.

Rewrite as follows:

Rangers can only be surprised on a roll of 1 in 6. Rangers fight with ferocity against the enemies of mankind especially the Chaotic Humanoid Races and for each level they have gained they add a +1 to their damage against such creatures. (+1 - 1st level, +2 - 2nd level and so on) Upon reaching 8th level and higher Rangers begin to accrue a number of advantages: Spells as already mentioned, then at 9th level, they are able to employ magic items which heal or cure disease, including scrolls. In addition, at 9th level from 2-24 followers will join the character as detailed below. They will give away all treasure that they win, save that which is necessary to maintain themselves, their men, and a modest castle. Rangers may not obtain a castle until they reach 10th level. Followers that are killed may not be replaced, although regular hirelings may be replaced.

I would delete the whole sentence that says:
+Ranger-Lords are able to employ all devices which deal with Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, ESP, Telepathy, Telekenesis, and Teleportation, including scrolls.

More to follow:
Rangers start with two hit dice at first level and go up from there. Hit dice and spells are as follows:

Level -----------Hit Dice-----Spell Ability
Ranger-Knight-------9---------Cleric, 1st Level---------------1
Ranger-Lord---------10-------+Magic-User, 1st Level---------2
Ranger-Lord, 10th----10+2----+Cleric 2nd Level--------------2---1
Ranger-Lord, 11th----10 +4---+Magic-User 2nd Level---------2---2
Ranger-Lord, 12th----10 +6----+Cleric 3rd Level--------------3---2---1
Ranger-Lord, 13th----10 +8----+Magic-User 3rd Level---------3---2---2

I am thinking of making a change here, but I will come back and do that once I have put way more thought into it.

The next section to look at reads as follows:

Until they attain the 8th level (Ranger-Knight) characters in the Ranger class are relatively weak, for they have a number of restrictions placed upon them, These restrictions are:
They may own only that which they can carry with them, and excess treasure or goods must be donated to a worthy cause. They may not hire any men-at-arms or other servants or aides
of any kind whatsoever. Only two of the class may operate together.

This definitely needs rewritten especially since the statement relatively weak is completely untrue. So rewrite as follows:

Rangers under 8th level may only own what they can carry with them and everything else must be put to charitable uses and they may not have any hirelings of any kind.

But I would drop the limitations on how many Rangers can operate together, since using 3d6 in order you should not have very many as PCs. I would also add that Rangers and Paladins and Lawful Fighting-Men work well together.

The next section reads:

    Advantages which accrue to low-level Rangers are:

    +They receive no regular bonuses for advancement due to ability, but they automatically gain 4 experience points for every 3 earned.
    +They have the ability to track the path of most creatures when outdoors, and even in dungeons they are often able to follow:

    Monster's Action Regular Needs to Track

    goes down a normal passage 01 -65
    goes through a normal door 01 -55
    goes through a trap door 01 - 50
    goes up/down a chimney 01 - 40
    goes through a secret door 01 -30

    The ranger so tracking must have observed the monster no more than six turns previously when in dungeon situations. On the outdoor he has a basic 90% chance of following a trail, with a 10% reduction for every day old the signs are.

Rewrite as follows:

    An advantage accruing to all Rangers is the ability to track the path of most creatures when outdoors, with a basic 9 in 10 chance of following a trail with a reduction of 1 in 10 for every day old the signs are. In dungeons they are often able to follow as detailed when no more than six turns has elasped:
    [u]Monster's Action----------------Regular Needs to Track[/u]
    goes down a normal passage-------1-13 on a d20
    goes through a normal door--------1-11 on a d20
    goes through a trap door----------1-10 on a d20
    goes up/down a chimney----------1-8 on a d20
    goes through a secret door--------1-6 on a d20

The next section to look at is:

    Because of their ability to track Rangers also are difficult to surprise, requiring a roll of 1 instead of 1 or 2.
    All Rangers gain a special advantage when fighting against monsters of the Giant Class (Kobolds - Giants). For each level they have gained they add +1 to their damage die against these creatures, so a 1st Level Ranger adds +1, a 2nd Level +2, and so on.
    Upon reaching the 8th and higher levels, Rangers begin to accrue a number of advantages besides the use of spells already indicated.
    +From 2-24 followers will join the character as soon as 9th level is attained by him. These followers are detailed later.
    +Ranger-Knights are able to employ magic items which heal or cure disease, including scrolls.
    +Ranger-Lords are able to employ all devices which deal with Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, ESP, Telepathy, Telekenesis, and Teleportation, including scrolls.
    Drawbacks which apply to the 8th and higher levels are:
    -The 4 experience points for every 3 earned bonus is lost.
    - Followers who are killed cannot be replaced, although regular mercenaries can be.
    -As already mentioned, if a Ranger turns Neutral or Chaotic he loses all benefits of the class, becoming an ordinary Fighting Man.

Rewrite as follows:

Rangers can only be surprised on a roll of 1 in 6. Rangers fight with ferocity against the enemies of mankind especially the Chaotic Humanoid Races and for each level they have gained they add a +1 to their damage against such creatures. (+1 - 1st level, +2 - 2nd level and so on) Upon reaching 8th level and higher Rangers begin to accrue a number of advantages: Spells as already mentioned, then at 9th level, they are able to employ magic items which heal or cure disease, including scrolls. In addition, at 9th level from 2-24 followers will join the character as detailed below. They will give away all treasure that they win, save that which is necessary to maintain themselves, their men, and a modest castle. Rangers may not obtain a castle until they reach 10th level. Followers that are killed may not be replaced, although regular hirelings may be replaced.

I would delete the whole sentence that says:


+Ranger-Lords are able to employ all devices which deal with Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, ESP, Telepathy, Telekenesis, and Teleportation, including scrolls.

More to follow:

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