
Saturday, December 13, 2014

OD&D - The Ranger - Simplifying the Description - 001

In OD&D most descriptions are brief and pretty bare bones. This changed with the first Supplement: Greyhawk and the addition of the Paladin and the Thief.  Then along came the Ranger in The Strategic Review with a full page two column description. So what can we do to simplify the description. I am going to take a stab at it here in several posts.

So lets start with experience for the Ranger:

Advantages which accrue to low-level Rangers are:
+They receive no regular bonuses for advancement due to ability, but they automatically gain 4 experience points for every 3 earned.

Drawbacks which apply to the 8th and higher levels are:
-The 4 experience points for every 3 earned bonus is lost.

So if we are simplifying the writeup the thing to do is to drop the rule that the ranger gains 4 XP for every 3 earned and just change the table governing level progression as follows:

Change from this:

Rangers Experience
Levels Points

Runner, 1st - 0
Strider, 2nd  - 2500
Scout, 3rd  - 5000
Guide, 4th - 12000
Pathfinder, 5th - 25000
Warder, 6th - 50000
Guardian, 7th - 100000
Ranger-Knight, 8th - 175000
Ranger-Lord, 9th - 275000
Ranger-Lord, 10th - 550000
Ranger-Lord, 11th - 825000
Ranger-Lord, 12th -  1100000
Ranger-Lord, 13th - 1375000

To this:

Rangers Experience
Levels Points

Runner, 1st - 0
Strider, 2nd - 1875
Scout, 3rd - 3750
Guide, 4th - 9000
Pathfinder, 5th - 18755
Warder, 6th - 37500
Guardian, 7th - 75000
Ranger-Knight, 8th - 175000
Ranger-Lord, 9th -  275000
Ranger-Lord, 10th - 550000
Ranger-Lord, 11th - 825000
Ranger-Lord, 12th - 1100000
Ranger-Lord, 13th - 1375000

And then keep the restriction of:

They receive no regular bonuses for advancement due to ability

This simplifies things and while the gap between 7th and 8th level looks huge now, in fact it is no bigger than it always was. Thoughts and comments are welcome.

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