
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Money (Treasure), the OD&D Economy & Equipment 007

First we will look at the original table and think about adding or deleting items. In addition, we will revise prices for the Silver Economy instead of the Gold Economy.
Items of equipment (Original)
Selection of items is strictly up to the players, and Gold Pieces are taken away accordingly (players may sell to one another, of course, and then Gold Pieces would be transferred).

Prices in Gold Pieces
Item ----------------------    -----Cost ----------Item ----------------------------Cost
Dagger ---------------------------3 ------------Leather Armor -----------------15
Hand Axe ------------------------3 ------------Chain-type Mail ---------------30
Mace -----------------------------5 ------------Plate Mail ----------------------50
Sword --------------------------10 ------------Helmet --------------------------10
Battle Axe ----------------------7 -------------Shield ---------------------------10
Morning Star -------------------6 -------------Barding (Horse Armor) -------150
Flail -----------------------------8 -------------50' of Rope------------------------1
Spear ----------------------------2 -------------10' Pole ---------------------------1
Pole Arm -----------------------7 -------------12 Iron Spikes---------------------1
Halberd ------------------------7 --------------Small Sack-------------------------1
Two-Handed Sword ----------15 -------------Large Sack ------------------------2
Lance ---------------------------4 --------------Leather Back Pack ---------------5
Pike -----------------------------5 --------------Water/Wine Skin----------------1
Short Bow --------------------25 --------------6 Torches--------------------------1
Long Bow ---------------------40 --------------Lantern --------------------------10
Composite Bow --------------50 -------------Flask of Oil -----------------------2
Light Crossbow ---------------15 -------------3 Stakes & Mall------------------3
Heavy Crossbow -------------25 -------------Steel Mirror ----------------------5
Qu iver of 20 Arrows --------10 -------------Silver Mirror, Small ------------15
Case with 30 Quarrels -------10 ------------Wooden Cross -------------------2
20 Arrows/30 Quarrels --------5 ------------Silver Cross ---------------------25
Silver Tipped Arrow -----------5 ------------Holy Water/Vial--------------- 25
Mule ----------------------------20 -----------Wolvesbane, bunch -----------10
Draft Horse --------------------30 -----------Belladona, bunch-------------- 10
Light Horse --------------------40 -----------Garlic, bud ------------------------5
Warhorse, Medium --------100 ------------Wine, quart ----------------------1
Warhorse, Heavy -----------200 ----------
Saddle -------------------------25 ------------Iron Rations (for
Saddle Bags -------------------10 ------------dungeon expeditions)
Cart ---------------------------100 ------------1 person/1 week ---------------15
Wagon -----------------------200 ----------
Raft ----------------------------40 ------------Standard Rations for
Small Boat -------------------100 ------------1 person/1 week -------------------5
Small Merchant Sh--------5000---------
Large Merchant Ship-----20000 ------------Other items cost may be
Small Galley --------------10000-------------calculated by comparing to
Large Galley --------------30000--------------similar items listed above.

Now for a rough first Draft of a revised table based on the Silver Economy. The exchange rate is as follows:
1 Platinum Piece is equal to 1000 Gold Crowns; 1 Gold Crown is equal to 1000 Silver Shillings
1 Silver Shilling is equal to 100 Copper Pennies
Relative value for reference is:
Copper Penny equals 50 cents, Silver Shilling equals 50 dollars, Crown equals 50,000 dollars
Items of equipment (Revised)
Selection of items is strictly up to the players and Copper, Silver or Gold coins are charged accordingly (players may sell to one another, of course, paying each other the agreed price). Only the most expensive items will be priced in Gold.

Prices are in Copper Pennies, Silver Shilling or Gold Crowns and all prices are in Silver Shillings unless otherwise noted.

Item ----------------------    -----Cost ----------Item ----------------------------Cost
Dagger ---------------------------3 ------------Leather Armor -----------------15
Hand Axe ------------------------3 ------------Chain-type Mail ---------------30
Mace -----------------------------5 ------------Plate Mail ----------------------50
Sword --------------------------10 ------------Helmet --------------------------10
Battle Axe ----------------------7 -------------Shield ---------------------------10
Morning Star -------------------6 -------------Barding (Horse Armor) -------150
Flail -----------------------------8 -------------50' of Rope------------------------50 Pennies
Spear ----------------------------2 -------------10' Pole ---------------------------40 Pennies
Pole Arm -----------------------7 -------------12 Iron Spikes---------------------40 Pennies
Halberd ------------------------7 --------------Small Sack-------------------------35 Pennies
Two-Handed Sword ----------15 -------------Large Sack ------------------------50 Pennies
Lance ---------------------------4 --------------Leather Back Pack ---------------80 Pennies
Pike -----------------------------5 --------------Water/Wine Skin----------------20 Pennies
Short Bow --------------------25 --------------6 Torches--------------------------40 Pennies
Long Bow ---------------------40 --------------Lantern ---------------------------1
Composite Bow --------------50 -------------Flask of Oil -----------------------80 Pennies
Light Crossbow ---------------15 -------------3 Stakes & Mall------------------1
Heavy Crossbow -------------25 -------------Steel Mirror -------------------------2
Qu iver of 20 Arrows --------10 -------------Silver Mirror, Small -----------------15
Case with 30 Quarrels -------10 ------------Wooden Cross ------------------------2
20 Arrows/30 Quarrels --------5 ------------Silver Cross -------------------------25
Silver Tipped Arrow -----------5 ------------Holy Water/Vial--------------------- 25
Mule ----------------------------20 -----------Wolvesbane, bunch -------------10 Pennies
Draft Horse --------------------30 -----------Belladona, bunch----------------- 20 Pennies
Light Horse --------------------40 -----------Garlic, bud -----------------------10 Pennies
Warhorse, Medium --------100 ------------Wine, quart ------------------------40 Pennies
Warhorse, Heavy -----------200 -----------
Tinderbox (flint & steel)------------10 Pennies
Saddle -------------------------25 ------------Iron Rations (for
Saddle Bags -------------------10 ------------dungeon expeditions)
Cart ---------------------------100 ------------1 person/1 week ---------------15
Wagon -----------------------200 ----------
Raft ----------------------------40 ------------Standard Rations for
Small Boat -------------------100 ------------1 person/1 week ----------------5
Small Merchant Ship------1 Crown---------
Large Merchant Ship--- --4 Crowns ------------Other items cost may be
Small Galley ------------ --2 Crowns-------------calculated by comparing to
Large Galley ----------- ---3 Crowns--------------similar items listed above.

Again this is a rough first draft and many refinements will likely be made over time. Suggestions are welcome. 

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