
Friday, November 28, 2014

OD&D Races & Classes for PCs & NPCs 001

In my OD&D campaigns and worlds, I allow the following standard PC races: Humans, Elves, Dwarves and Hobbits. That is the starting point. There are no Half-Elves and there are no Half Orcs, why? you say, because I like it that way. In fact there are no Half-anything in my campaigns. That is not the only reason, (more often than not it is all adults) but I also from time to time have children IMC, usually 10 and up, but as young as six and it is not my place to teach other peoples children the facts of life. Their parents can have those conversations in other settings. When it comes to monsters I do not usually put women and children monsters in the game, but I am intending going forward to eliminate them altogether for the evil intelligent monsters.

But back to the topic at hand, to continue IMC Hobbits and Halflings are completely different creatures. Hobbits are OD&Ds small PC race and Halflings are an unfortunate replacement for the real thing. The same happened as Ents were replaced by Treants and Balrogs were just deleted from OD&D. IMC there are Ents and Treants and Balrogs, but more on that later in another post.

So let us say that someone in the game wants to play something other than a standard race, what do I do? I work up a write up and let them play anything they want, that exists IMC. You want to play a centaur, a dragon, a balrog or whatever, I sit down and create a 1st level version and scale it up from there. Now if the rest of the party kills it on sight, that is not my problem as the Ref. Now I've never seen the party do that, but they have given a player with a strange PC a lot of grief until the new PC has proven itself.

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