
Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Ruins of Murkhill Campaign - the Fifth Game

As you see, I have finally picked a name for the campaign - one of my players suggested Murkhill and I took it from there. In the fifth game, my most experienced player and his 9 yr old daughter were not able to make it, but I still ended up with 5 players. My experienced player in this game is my 3E player, he was here for the first time since the first game along with his 10 yr old son.

One thing I forgot in my previous post is that they got their hands on an old ragged map from the giants but they couldn't read it. However, with a PC from this world now in the group, he can read the map however it is difficult for them to communicate so far. The gist of it, is that the map describes the area above the waterfall and so they decided to return upstream and get on top of the plateau alongside the river above the falls. One PC voiced a strong desire to find a way back through the portals to the original world they started from and the two PC's not from that world want to go there too.

They crossed over the river again and took care to avoid the giants as they traveled upriver. As they traveled and the communication became better with the new PC, they tried to pick his brain about this world. The second night they flirted with a TPK when they were attacked by three odd creatures that looked like a cross between giant boar hogs and lions. (hog body and shape, lion feet and legs).

They finally came to the falls and scouted around it but did not find a way up. So they traveled north in the canyon parallel to the falls. They traveled for a couple of days in the canyon until it widened out some and they came to a walled town. (The PC from this world interpreted between the party and the town based on his best guesses as to what they wanted since he doesn't really speak the language yet.) They had to pass the town guard in order to enter but they were so suspicious about the town that only two of them approached the town guard for entry and then lied about their being more in the group and then the rest of the group joined them and then they lied a second time about one of the group being injured who wasn't and that got them in hot water with the city fathers. The upshot of it was, they had to give up their weapons and swear an oath on a sacred oath stone before they were allowed in to replenish their supplies at higher than normal prices and they were not allowed to stay over night but had to leave before nightfall.

They traveled on from there and eventually found a very narrow twisting trail that led up the cliff face to the plateau they wanted to reach. Night fell before they finished the climb and they had some nervous moments in the last half hour of the climb.

They camped at the top where they were and during the night they were attacked by some trolls. It was a moonlight night and the watch spotted the trolls and they put some flaming arrows into the trolls and that was working well up to when they started missing and missing and entered melee with the trolls who started mopping up the field with them. They came within two hit points of a TPK but survived and that was the end of this game for the evening.

Additional notes: Although the 9 year old player was not present her PC has the three cubes that are similar in some ways to Ioun Stones but are completely different in many ways. As they become better able to communicate with the new PC from this world they will learn that the cubes appear to be part of a specific set of nine known as "The Colorful Cubes of Ceruveaux the Good" a Legendary Cleric-Paladin. There are apparently different sets of these cubes and each one is completely unique. They are specific for the race, class, and alignment of the PC. You don't find them, they find you and if you fail to gain all of them they will follow you until they are a united complete set. When they are complete then all of the benefits become apparent, until then only partial or random effect occur. If the PC in the company of these cubes dies both the PC and the cubes disappear instantly. Information on these cubes will keep on coming a bit at a time. As when the group first ran into these cubes, only the one they are meant for will exhibit strong interest in them, all others will ignore them, just as the group did in that initial discovery time.


  1. Hi Halenar

    Like the sound of what you're doing there, particularly as you're DMing for young players. Any observations so far? I'm running what I call a Training Dungeon for my 6.5 year old son and he's doing pretty well running a party of 8 characters on his own. He's pretty high tonight, having just killed his first ogre. Pop by and catch up with his doings at

    Again, good luck with the campaign and getting more new blood into the great game.

  2. Hi Daddy Grognard,

    Great to hear that you are introducing your son to the great game. I will try to catch a look at your site soon. He is a pretty bright kid if he can run 8 characters. I try to have the young ones run just one character until they can get some experience and even then I prefer to have all the players run one character each, but that's just me. Hope you get a chance to have some other players in your game soon, but I know how hard they can be to come by. BTW I took a quick look, cool blog and I like the "Order of the D30" :)

  3. Running 8 characters is more by necessity than by choice - I had hoped that he could bring more of his little buddies in but no joy so far - I live in hope.

    He started with six - his F/Mu, a cleric, two fighters, a thief and an MU - the archetypal party mix, then a Cl/Mu (which his mother had rolled up but didn't play) and a Cl/Th that my good buddy Old 4 Eyes sent me to vicariously participate.

    From experience thus far, I think that next time, we'll limit the numbers to 6 maximum.

    Order of the D30 - for more details, check out Carter's Cartopia - his blog is a treasure house of new ideas and encounter tables, many of which use the D30 which is why I got mine, and now proudly display the Order's Coat of Arms.
